The Loch Ness Horror

1982 "It IS alive!"
2.9| 1h29m| PG| en

Hunters set out to catch the legendary Scottish monster that has defied explanation and eluded capture since the 1940s.


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Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
TheLittleSongbird What did I just watch? To say this film is weird is an understatement! Maybe it is a movie that is fun to watch to revel in its awfulness, but still The Loch Ness Horror is a mind-boggling mess. Still I guess it is worth the watch for its novelty value.The Loch Ness Horror does look cheap. The sets/sceneries are somewhat nice with some dazzling early underwater sequences, but the slip-shod editing and cinematography spoil it. Even the Loch Ness Monster is cheesy with a design that is overly-reminiscent of a large toy/model/inflatable with overly-cute eyes. The dialogue is incoherent and laughable, the plot is a mess with a rushed ending that makes you go that's it?, the film is very rushed overall, the direction is incompetent and the acting complete with some appalling accents is dreadful.In conclusion, a mess but worth the watch perhaps once for the novelty value. 1/10 Bethany Cox
Darth-Helmet In the mysterious and beautiful lake of Loch Ness where it's the home of the fabled creature, a couple of Nessie hunters stole the famed monster's egg as the beast goes on the rampage killing people so she can get her egg back.Entertaining and damn near hilarious monster movie with bad acting, laughable fake Scottish accents and a incoherent plot. But i think the monster is kinda believable unlike some reviewers which call the Nessie creature in the movie fake looking and there's some amusing sequences with the title beast in them killing people.If you like MST3K and b-movies, then this is worth a look for it's a real guilty pleasure of mine.
tankdestroyer500 Something strange is happening in Loch Ness. The water is crystal clear, nor cold. A giant robotic plastic monster emerges and kills Scots! What is this movie?! First, I love reading stories about Nessie, sea monsters in general. When i saw this for sale, i thought it was a cheap rip off of jaws. No. It was terrible! The story was pointless, acting was 100% garbage, the only up side was the cool mechanical Nessie they used. It was full of inaccuracy, wrong locations, and bad everything. Not worth your while, just leave it on the shelf (or garbage can) you found it on. On second note, This film was shot in Cailifornia, not Loch Ness, a major diss to Nessie fans.
LJ27 Although I like some other films made by this director, this is the only one I ever paid to see in a theater. I never made it to the end before I walked out. The ad showed a neat-looking monster, but the puppet/parade float used in this film looks nothing like it. Actually, I didn't know this was made by the same guy who did THE EYE CREATURES when I went to see it. Had I known that, there's no way I'd have paid to watch it. Some movies are so bad they are good but this is not one of them.