Perfectly adorable
Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Beautiful, moving film.
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
OK first let me start by saying I love this movie. From the time period, the score, picturesque settings and Ashley Judd is absolutely gorgeous. However I'm a bit confounded by several things; how was Mrs Potts responsible for her mothers untimely death and why did clay sleep with her? Even after it seemed like he decided it was worth the risk; of her informing law enforcement of his whereabouts. On a gloomy note it was sad to see fly boy commit suicide, but I also appreciate the writer for not making it a cliché happy ending.
Ever lie awake at night, watch something on some obscure cable channel, and end up wondering why you didn't drink yourself into a stupor several hours earlier? I just did. I'd probably feel better tomorrow, had I chosen the booze.THE LOCUSTS is a truly awful film. It's one of those that always makes me ask the questions "WHY was it done and WHERE did the money come from?" Forget the attempts, so en vogue today, of trying to date and sentimentalize a film by mindless overlays of classic music! Genuine inability is timeless.Here is the one good thing I can say about this film: Ms. Judd's make-up artist, Ben Nye, Jr, had the sense to leave her alone. She's radiant...from the safe distance she was photographed. But, everything else is likewise-photographed. I guess the photographer didn't feel comfortable any closer to the storyline.The acting is laughable, especially the three leads. The kid spends two hours trying to do a James Dean and succeeds only in setting back the cause of the speech-impaired a couple decades. He is in rarefied atmosphere here. Only Jennifer Jason Leigh in KANSAS CITY and Richard Gere in BREATHLESS have given comparable performances. Capshaw is, well, Capshaw. Vince who? Doesn't he do novelty records? But the plot takes the cake. To think that human beings would allow themselves to dwell in or near this attempt of some swaggering pump-up to inflict his "values" or "Code of the Cool" on a defenseless kid is ludicrous. The mindset of the executive(s) responsible for the allocation of funds and the filming itself, who must have found SOME potential in the story, is unfathomable. There is none. GIANT and DUEL IN THE SUN and LONG HOT SUMMER have been done before. With taste, opulence, style or length to cover gaps in meaning or worth. This film has none of any of that.Fortunately, the family off themselves at the end, preventing a sequel.I think I now understand why Orion bankrupted.
I got lung cancer from all the second-hand smoke. In nearly every scene, cigarettes play a prominent role. Either the director was a cigarette junkie, the cast were nicotine addicts, or tobacco companies funded the entire production.The plot was predictably hokey, the acting mediocre (with the exception of Flyman), and the directing lazy. It seemed to pause often to make some point but never delivered the point. Capshaw was especially disappointing. I managed to struggle through all 2+ hours waiting for something to reach out of this film. It never did.The high point was seeing Vince Vaughn take off his shirt - and I'm straight.Don't waste the time and money. It could drive you to lighting up.
I would much rather see a movie like this, that falters occasionally under the weight of a few cliches, than a thousand "innovative" films in love with their own novelties. This film seems made by young filmmakers who've done a hell of a job bringing a very American story to the screen with novelistic detail. Don't see that much anymore, and they almost pull it off here. Wish there was more Ashley Judd. Vaughn and Davies are great together. Vaughn's best role yet... hope there'll be more like it in the