The Long Walk Home

1990 "A story of an incredible friendship."
7.3| 1h37m| PG| en

Two women, black and white, in 1955 Montgomery Alabama, must decide what they are going to do in response to the famous bus boycott led by Martin Luther King.


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Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Lee Eisenberg Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg put on spectacular performances in this story of the relationship between an affluent woman and her maid in Montgomery, Alabama, during the bus boycott. The movie shows how both women start out filling the roles that society expects of them - a housewife and a servant - but both slowly realize that they have to be more than this. There's no glossing over the rabid racism of many of the people in Montgomery, some of whom believe the Civil Rights Movement to be a commie plot.There's a scene where we hear a suggestion that there might one day be a black person in a position of power. Obviously that's now the case, but racism persists, as do police killings of unarmed blacks. Movies like "The Long Walk Home" will remain relevant as long as these problems continue. I recommend the movie both as a look at the events of the era, and as a look at how these women of different socioeconomic backgrounds turned out to have more in common than they realized.Definitely worth seeing. Watch for an early appearance by Ving Rhames (Marcellus in "Pulp Fiction") as Whoopi Goldberg's husband.
Amanipearl4 This movie is truly inspirational and gives African Americans a sense of pride over how much people are willing to fight for their rights.the movie is played by actress Whoopi Goldberg but throughout the movie is known as Odessa carter she played the role with not only talent but is an icon to all those who can't stand up for themselves.this movie creates a sense of reality on the cold hard truth during this time and how serve African Americans were treated. This movie makes people see how tough life was and instead of sugarcoat ting it or trying to play off such a controversial issue they display it for the world to see which is why I liked this movie so much.
bsmmay I teach in a small town where the majority of the students are Caucasian. After watching the Long Walk Home for the first time, I began a search to buy it for my personal collection. I use this movie every year after the unit on the Civil Rights Movement. This movie shows students what can be accomplished if everyone is willing to make the necessary sacrifices and work together.It also shows them that this was not an easy task. It was more than just giving a speech or refusing to sit in the back of the bus. It was making the commitment to walk to work, the store, everywhere.. regardless of the number of blisters on the feet or how early the walk had to begin.I am a big fan of Whoopi's, and while they did not seem to be two of her more popular movies, The Long Walk Home and Sarafina were two of her best. While I was out on disability, my movie, The Long Walk Home, disappeared. If anyone knows where I can get a replacement of her movie, I would definitely appreciate hearing from them.
jesussaysohyeahtokungfu Whoopi Goldberg pulls off another amazing character with this film, she keeps you in full cycle of her role all the way through.I saw this movie on a movie channel today after been sick off work, it really got me hooked and gave me a good insight of what life was like back then and the big difference of white/black people. I have always been bought up in mixed society and looked at everyone the same but to see this movie and see how people were treated was a real shock to the system.Direction/acting was all spot on and you really do feel for the cast in a lot of the scenes.Probably would not recommend this film to everyone, however i would class it as a worth see if you flick past it on the TV.