The Lure

6.2| 1h33m| en

Two mermaid sisters, who end up performing at a nightclub, face cruel and bloody choices when one of them falls in love with a beautiful young man.


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Nonureva Really Surprised!
Srakumsatic A-maz-ing
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Otkon It has its moments. It has its problems. It is weird for the sake of weird. You can tell people you have seen it. But it is basically The Little Mermaid getting punched in the face a lot.
Paul Magne Haakonsen When I found "Córki Dancingu" (aka "The Lure") in the horror section, I was instantly interested because the movie's DVD cover looks rather interesting and appealing. And just the fact that it is a horror movie is already more than enough to have me lured in - pardon the pun.There was a little bit too much singing, dancing and musical to this movie for my liking. Then at least if that was the intention, the movie should have been labeled as a musical. And Polish as a language is not overly fit for singing if you are a non-native to Poland. So that was a little bit strained to get through.The special effects in the movie were surprisingly good, and I had not expected that level of CGI. The effects work very well in favor of the movie and add a lot of realism and detail to the movie in terms of the mermaids and such."Córki Dancingu" has a fairly interesting character gallery, and they have a good ensemble of actors and actresses to perform the various roles and characters. I wasn't familiar with a single one in the movie, but then again this is the first Polish movie that I have seen.The story in the movie was interesting and entertaining enough, just a shame it was ruined by all the singing and dancing. The story is about two Mermaids capable of taking human form, whom find employment at a nightclub. One of them is eager for the experience of human love, while the other seeks to devour human flesh.If you decide to sit down to watch this movie, do take into consideration that there is a lot of singing in it, making it half a musical actually. Sure, I can grasp the singing in regards of sirens using song to lure their prey, but at least it could have been advertised that this was a musical of sorts on the movie cover. And I must admit that I was on the verge of giving up on the movie several times throughout the course of the numerous song and dance scenes.The surgery and transplant part of the movie was just downright ridiculous as it was so unrealistic, well as realistic as can be when taking into consideration that this is a movie with mermaids in it after all.I think that writer Robert Bolesto and director Agnieszka Smoczynska opted for an avantgarde approach to the movie. Did it work out? Well, that is a matter of personal preference, of course. As you might have guessed by now already, then I didn't care much for it.While the movie runs at 1 hour and 32 minutes, the pacing of the movie and the musical aspect of the movie made it seem like it was a much longer ordeal to sit through.Had this been a proper movie without the dancing and singing it would have been so much more enjoyable.
mojoguzzi-879-68498 Very loosely based on The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, THE LURE is as far from a Disneyfied version as you can get. If you've ever uttered the phrase "a bit much for my tastes" then you'll probably want to steer clear of this one. There are generous helpings of nudity, sex and violence. The musical numbers range from ballads about being roofied to an energetic punk rock performance.Production values are top notch all around. There is nothing cheesy about the mermaid tails or transformations and the gory make-up effects are disturbingly real.Coming from a culture with supernatural embedded in its bones, it's no surprise that the two young leads capture perfectly the traditional folkloric creatures they play -- virginally appealing, seductively alluring, inherently dangerous and morally conflicted mermaids.Equal parts horror film and musical, THE LURE is kinkier and bloodier than ROCKY HORROR, a bit more ambitious with impressive special efx, and sporting a very attractive and talented cast. Besides the amphibious starlets there's an angel-faced loverboy, a couple of hot milfs and even the scarred punk merman is brutally sexy. The opening hook grabs you and in a flash you're on a playfully warped joyride with strippers and lesbian cop sex and dirty old men. The story bounces through unexpected twists and turns but somehow hangs onto its main through-line -- the tale of a mermaid who falls in love with a human.
Skooch LeGook After an extremely promising, magical and inventive first half-hour, the sirens' spell quickly wore off of me. The musical numbers, of which there are too many, have completely nonsensical lyrics and so little originality in them that the pace slows down to unbearable levels. It was like watching a bunch of predictable drag queen numbers. The plot is a complete mess, with random characters popping in and out with little to no consequence other than to up the surreal vibe the film so desperately wants to project, and none of the world's 'rules' remain consistent. Like a great looking lover whose only talents are to look good, I got bored of this film quickly and proudly ejected myself from the equation before things dragged out even more. (The first time Polish director shows a lot of promise though and I'll definitely check out her next feature. Her video, with the help of a few ADHD children in the background, thanking the Fantasia audience before the film started was very charming.)Much love from Montreal!