The Midnight Disease

2011 "Writer's Block Can Be Murder."
4.5| 1h35m| en

Jack Jones, a reclusive writer with one successful novel under his belt, has been slowly sinking into depression and alcoholism due to his increasing writer's block. Just when he is about to throw in the towel, a mysterious figure leaves a special package by Jack s front door: a jar of blood. At first, Jack believes it to be some sort of prank... Until the night he uncaps the jar and a beautiful, zombie-like woman emerges from his bedroom closet. To Jack's disbelief, the woman sits before his typewriter and starts writing his new novel. But once the jar is empty, the woman will not return. In the end, Jack's obsession over having the woman finish his new book -- his masterpiece -- causes him to sink into deadly depths to supply her with all the blood she needs, no matter where it comes from or how he must get it. How far would you go to achieve success?



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PodBill Just what I expected
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Platypuschow The Midnight Disease is apparently another term for writers block and that is what our protagonist is suffering with.A formerly successful writer struggles to create his next novel discovers a supernatural muse which desires blood to operate.The idea is rough around the edges anyway so the lack of direction and blatant budget restrictions really sealed its fate.I'm not saying The Midnight Disease doesn't have its merits, they are just not good enough to justify the 90 minutes.This is one of those films which would be used as a stepping stone, a chance to showcase what the creators can do. Based upon this I don't think we'll be seeing any career elevation from these guys quite yet.The Good: The concept is interesting enough The Bad: Poorly made Weak cast Things I Learnt From This Movie: Logically time travelling vampires from mars would be radioactive
Paul Magne Haakonsen It seems that low budget often equals poor story, which definitely was the case with "The Midnight Disease". And of course wit other things Associated with low budget; bad props, bad dialogue, etc. Yep, it is all here.The story is about a writer who suffers from writer's block, when he finds out that blood calls forth a nightly servant to do his writing in return for the blood.Right! Well, it just didn't make much sense, nor was it an interesting plot or storyline. And it was somewhat of a struggle to actually make it through the movie.I have seen worse low budget movies, but this still wasn't particularly worth the time or the effort. The storyline is boring and downright ridiculous, and the movie just never climaxed. It just trotted on at a dull, slow pace.The two things that "The Midnight Disease" had working in its favor was some adequate acting and fairly good production value, oddly enough.Funny how it is labeled as a horror movie when it was anything but a horror movie.This movie was a wide swing and an even wider miss.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) Written and Directed by : Robbie Ribspreader.Dang,Imagine you have to do that term paper for the morning,Send the final draft of the Great Novel,Oh…script 'Desperate Housewives' sequel with Nicole Sheridan …It's not easy to be writer.Scribe Jack Jones is delivered a magical bottle of blood to inspire a muse of deathly proportions to him write his next novel, Try to outwit that plot Bucko.This film is actually pretty entertaining in a most macabre fashion, With dead hookers to boot.Writer Jack has a ' Lost Weekend ' or two trying to write at a typewriter,That notion alone needs explaining,My friend Ford Austin probably writes whole screenplays on his Droid phone.

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