The Midnight Patrol

7| 0h20m| NR| en

Novice policemen Stan and Ollie bungle a burglary investigation.


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Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
John T. Ryan BEING AN EXAMPLE of the old switcheroo, this entry into the Laurel & Hardy series of 2 reelers puts the Boys into the role of Cops; rather than their being at odds with the Law. The resulting mayhem is pleasant and more than mildly amusing; even if it is decidedly on the predictable side.TO START WITH, the night scene filming is really impressive and does give us the feel of what has long been called "the Dog Watch" in Big City police department circles. The street scenes are authentic in appearance and make for a high classed, impressive and convincing setting. The sets, including the sight of a residential burglary call, do seem to be familiar. No doubt they were the very same shoot sights that were used in so many of Mr. Hal Roach's productions; dating back to the Silents.THE SITUATIONS THAT make up the scenario (such as it is) are mainly unrelated; held together only by their being the assignments of the rookie L & H cop team. Of course, this may be an unintentional concession to reality; for a real tour of duty day would be made up of many different assignments, which would be seldom related.THE CAST OF this one is quite sparse, with only three other players in the early goings on. The burglary suspect and the radio dispatcher's voice are the most prominently featured, other than the store burglar. The largest number of on screen actors appear at the end of the story in the police station. Though unbilled, the actors that filled out the cast are names familiar to the Hal Roach comedies, such as: James C. Morton, Tiny Sanford, Harry Bernard, Billy Bletcher (dispatcher's voice) and Charlie Hall.THE ENDING IS one that we would have to stretch to view as being truly a funny way to leave us laughing. Rather, it could be said to be an example of the surreal on the screen.
Steve Pulaski We've seen Laurel and Hardy as bums, unionized workers, manual laborers, Christmas tree sales man, and men soon to be married, but never before have we seen them as police officers (that work was presumably left to the Keystone Cops). The Midnight Patrol shows Laurel and Hardy as two late night police officers, who are informed of a burglary at a nearby mansion. After being completely oblivious to another thief attempting to crack a safe at a local store until he tries to steal the boys' car, Laurel and Hardy arrive at the aforementioned mansion and need to find a way inside. The boys attempt to use a solid stone bench as a battering ram to break the door down, which results in one of the funniest Laurel and Hardy stunts in any of their shorts, as they cause complete destruction to property and end up in a barrel of sauerkraut (don't ask) before being scolded by their superiors in the harshest, most evil way.The Midnight Patrol is a much more downtrodden, morbid short by the boys, dark and noir-ish in lighting and tone, only complimenting the early 1930's time period. Laurel and Hardy are intensely watchable here, but the humor is traded for a much more casual approach to a narrative that isn't always funny nor interesting, and, frankly, sometimes boring. However, the frightening and unexpected ending and the setup here are unique enough for Laurel and Hardy standards that The Midnight Patrol merits a watch in some respect.Starring: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Directed by: Lloyd French.
Jackson Booth-Millard Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Officers Stan and Ollie pull over to open up their police telephone and take out their lunch of sandwiches and milk bottles, and Stan manages to snap the phone cord. Just after tucking in, they get a radio report that some men (Bob Kortman and Charlie Hall) are trying to steal their spare tyre, so Stan gets out and chases these men away and threatening arrest next time he sees them. They mock him, so he throws a brick through their brick, and they it back through the back window of their car, hitting Ollie on the back of the head and cracking on open his milk bottle to squirt him in the face. Then the police radio reports a man trying to break into 24 Walnut Avenue, but they quickly forget this address when the car stalls, and with their phone cord broken Stan goes into the near jewellery store. He fails to notice the man inside trying to crack open a safe is a crook (Frank Terry) as he makes he phone call to get the address again, and when Ollie comes in the crook gets his gun out. The crook gets a ticket to appear in court at his convenience, and after making the phone call again with Stan losing half the address, the crook trying to steal their car is told to appear in court the next day, no excuses. So the boys get to the address reported, and they see a man (Frank Brownlee) banging on the windows and going down into the basement, while they follow him, the man has a word with his Butler (Al Corporal), as he is the owner of the house. The boys find he has locked the door to the basement, so after Ollie has a little tumble going up the wrong set of steps, they go outside to the front door. Stan suggests if they want to get through it they should step back ten paces, so as Ollie steps back he ends up in the near pond on step nine, and when he gets out soaked, he also gets squirted by his water filled gun. While Ollie and Stan grab and lift the near heavy bench, the house owner is getting dressed to investigate the noises outside, and the boys mess up swinging the bench into the door when Stan makes Ollie fall in the pond again, and Stan gets splashed too. After lifting up the bench which Ollie was trapped under in the pond, and taking a pond weed and fish out of their clothes, Stan and he have a quandary about which direction to swing and move the bench. After swapping ends of the bench, they count three and swing the bench forward, crashing through the door and going up a few stairs before the floor gives way, and they go into the basement landing in a barrel of sauerkraut. The house owner comes down with a long barrelled shot gun, and he also goes through the hole in the staircase landing in a wardrobe, and it is only when he is knocked on the head by a bottle that he is quiet. So Stan and Ollie take what they think is the criminal to headquarters, but everyone is shocked to see it is Police Chief Ramsbottom, and he has no hesitation to shoot the boys as they walk out, but is good enough to call the coroner. Filled with wonderful slapstick and all classic comedy you could want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Good!
bob the moo Laurel and Hardy are police officers on the night shift patrol. They get a call about a robbery, only to find that two men are trying to steal the spare wheel from their car. They get past this to find they have forgotten the address. Laurel goes to find a phone to ring the station but gets involved in a safe cracking. When they eventually get to the address of the reported robbery things go from bad to worse.Opening with a rolling title sequence, this short made me think I had walking into the wrong screen, however, despite the gritty noir opening, this is Laurel and Hardy. The actual plot is filled out by several scenes on their way to the robbery, before eventually getting to the scenes of them trying to get into the house. All of these work quite well and all scenes make good use of their physical comedy skills – the scenes involving a locked door and a pond being the best.The low point of the film is the final shot (literally!) which is probably the worst judged ending of any short of theirs I've seen. Basically the film ends with the Police Commissioner borrowing a gun, firing two shorts at the backs of our fleeing heroes and then saying `call the morgue'. I was waiting for the final short of L&H holding their backsides in pain or something, but no, so the end of the film sees them shot dead! I couldn't help feel that this was totally against the idea of the comedy that had gone before.Laurel and Hardy both do good work and make the physical stuff look easier than it really is. The support cast of criminals are amusing – although the tyre thieves are just tough, the safe cracker has his share of disbelieving double takes.Overall this is an amusing little short. The major downside here is the fact that the ending leaves a sour taste and is very badly done.