The Minion

1998 "When the Millenium ends... Armageddon begins!"
3.9| 1h35m| en

New York, Christmas Eve, 1999 - at the dawn of the new millennium - a subway construction crew unearths an eight hundred year old Celtic skeleton and a mysterious key. Archeologist Karen Goodleaf is called in to determine the meaning of the discovery. News of the discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where the warrior monks knowns as the Knights Templer - an ancient sect entrusted with protecting holy relics - choose their best pupil, Lukas to face the diabolical threat. As Lukas races to New York, an evil Minion seizes Karen and uses its body like a parasite and host. Lukas arrives just in time to rescue Karen and despatch the Minion. The Minion takes hold of another host - revealing that it is immortal. As it cuts a path of destruction through the city, decimating a parking garage and leaving a trail of death, Karen realizes that the Minion can't be killed - but only delayed from finding a new host.


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Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Adam Foidart "The Minion" (a.k.a. "Fallen Knight" here in Canada) is a boring fantasy action flick with bad acting, a lazy script and with a budget so thin (too thin for grenade explosions apparently) that there's no way any audience could see it without being disappointed. The film is so poorly written that there is absolutely no drama or tension. The plot, not that you will remember or care by the time the movie is over, concerns a warrior belonging to an ancient order or super priests who have to prevent "The Minion", a servant of the Antichrist from opening a doorway to Hell and unleashing the apocalypse every thousand years. The Minion is able to possess the bodies of people, so even when our hero Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) or the woman who decides to join his quest, Karen (Françoise Robertson) get rid of it, the big bad will just come back in the body of another person. You would think that would make for some sort of excitement, particularly when you see Lukas' ridiculous spiked gauntlet thing, but the movie wastes every opportunity to deliver. An obvious plot point for example, would be for a character we care about to be possessed by "The Minion" to create the "are they going to find a way to bring him back, or are they going to have to kill their friend?" scenario but this never happens. I also took offense to the multiple displays of racism throughout. Instead of giving the villains personalities or setting up situations that would have you cheer for the protagonists, they just use this as a cheap trick to get you riled up. Even if you are a hardcore fan of Dolph Lundgren, the action scenes are bad so there's no reason to see this. (Canadian release on VHS tape, August 1, 2012)
starninknight Come on, let's get real. The Knights of Christ, Ordo Templi, or the Knights Templar as they are more commonly called did not even exist until the early 12th century. The story is so laughable that it's pathetic. Dolph Lundgren just looked positively bored. And besides, if you wanted to have a real-life Templar, why not just use the Knights of Christ, who are still in existence in Portugal. At least they should have taken history into account. The only redeeming quality I could find in this movie was that the artifacts looked authentic enough to pass for medieval or Gothic period pieces. The acting was bad, the storyline appalling, the action horrible, and the props were okay.
callanvass This is an okay time killer, but you could do a lot better. The 1st half is kind of dull, with lots of boring and pointless dialog, but the 2nd half is great with lots, of action, however, Dolph has done a LOT better, as i was a bit disappointed by this movie. This may be Dolph's worst(well at least that i have seen so far), and, the ending was kinda abrupt. The Direction is kind of bland. Jean-Marc Piché does okay here, but it's kinda dull, some of the visuals were cool,and some of the camera tricks are cool, but it's kind of bland, and the pace is extremely inconsistent. Not much gore or violence here. We get some non bloody stabbings, non bloody impalings, a few bloody gunshot wounds, and some bloody corpses and bodies. The Acting for the most part is good. Dolph Lundgren is AMAZING as always, however, he looked bored here, and had to spurt out some awful dialog, but he kicked that ass, and made the movie bearable, and his chemistry with Françoise Robertson, is decent. Françoise Robertson, is good looking but is kind of annoying at times, but she did okay. Overall worth a rent but not much more. **1/2 out of 5 Dolph has done a lot better.
Roger J This is without a doubt one of the worst movies EVER, I emphasize, EVER made. What´s worse, my old hero Dolph is in it and he´s starring it. Jesus... The story is actually quite good but the way it´s carried out made even my body hurt. The fighting scenes for starters are about as well choreographed as a fight between two drunks slugging it out in the gutter. The actors, except for Dolph who kinda sucks also, perform so badly you can´t help but wonder if their reason for being there is that they´re all friends of the director, who by the way must have been absent most, if not all, of the time. This is §12 million spent in an unimaginable way, because by the look of the effects and scenery, the cost can´t be a cent above §1000.

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