The Mooring

2013 "Missing Persons Don't Just Vanish."
4.5| 1h30m| R| en

Every 40 seconds a person goes missing. In northern Idaho, a group of teenage girls attended a summer camp to help them connect with nature without technology. They were told it would be a summer of change. As the girls' houseboat is suddenly stranded in the middle of the river an odd couple comes to their aid. What was suppose to be an act of kindness turns deadly as the girls find themselves on the run, being pursued through the forest by a brutal and determined killer.


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A-1 Productions


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2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Michael Members What a JOKE!! What is it with IMDb being a portal now for student films??!! What is this? MySpace? I tried tried tried to watch this lame waste of digital media past seven minutes and absolutely couldn't do it. LOVE the reviews by family members and friends here also! Notice how they are aligned within 2-3 days apart even! NO plot - NO character backbone, NO motivation for NOTHING! A bunch of giggling little brats and scary illustration of our modern day i-phone app generation boneheaded teenager wannabee artsy UN-educated dweebs! Lets see... we can photoshop a poster to make it look "Real" nowadays, we can borrow 100,000 from the bank and rent "Digital cameras" using SD cards bought at BestBuy, we can ADVERTISE on Craigslist for wannabee actors or post on a college rec-room bulletin board for extras and POW!! 2013! You can make believe you have a movie yo! Ain't nobody made money with this excepting the 2500.00 that Netflix gives the production company for it's Life rights! HAAA! And THEY better watch out as if they keep buying this kinda trash, people are going to get wise and start using VUDU whereas REAL movies are streamed. Not this generic I can pretend to be Hollywood garbage!
Lip Smacker OK, at the outset, I was all ready to ADORE this movie- an indie film about a group of teenage girls on a "technology intervention" outing. And- for real- there are some true moments of FEAR in this film that are hard to come by. The scares rely not on special effects, but on the chemistry between the characters and their imaginative acting, which is raw and honest.HOWEVER.Pros: The opening scene cuts to about 30-40 minutes of extremely realistic teen-girl talk. If you are not a high-school teenager Guru like me, you will probably hate the hell out of this stuff. They are annoying, they are immature, they are everything teenage girls are SUPPOSED to be.You quickly realize the "sidekick" girl is the kidnapped girl from the opening sequence with severe Stockholm syndrome and you KNOW it's going to go DOWN when he tries to replace her. LIKE YOU DO WHEN YOUR KIDNAPPED GIRLFRIEND IS GETTING OLD.Half of the girls have problems or disabilities like asthma that make them sure-fire DEAD. Hi- chick who gets MAULED in a bear-trap- Jason would have murdered you double-quick, you are lucky you even made it out of that trap at all.Cons: I have NO IDEA why this trashy psycho is murdering young white girls. Other than that they are young white girls.There is like 40 minutes of exposition in the beginning that is not especially relevant, except to make you like the 17 different girls and not want them to die. But then they ALL die. Almost.The ENDING: YES. GET HIM. But also, WTF? Why. and What happens next. I dunno.As you can tell, this stabby movie made me a little bit stabby. They had some great raw material to work with in this talented little group of actresses. But in the end it just goes nowhere.
Joe_Crisan OK, I'll keep it short.The good?+ The teenagers were actually teenagers. Unlike other films where the teenagers are played by twenty- or thirty-somethings, this actually used teenage-looking girls.+ Variety. The girls were believable as a mixed group of teenagers, with none being too pretty or perfect lookingThe bad?+ The plot could have been decent, but turns out pretty thin+ One survivor - really?+ The ending? eh.+ The setting - cliché.
ihearthorrorfilm This is your basic "killer chasing girls in the woods" type movie. We've all seen this style of movie before, where you're rooting for the girls to escape the psycho hunter while he picks them off one by one. But the difference about this movie is I felt confused the whole time, especially at the end. I think because it lacked a lot of dialogue, which was wasted on getting to know the teenage girls. We never really understood why the killing couple came after the girls in the first place. With their first kill in the film, it was clear that it was sadistic and that they were doing it for their own pleasure. But then it gets complicated towards the end, with the couple leaving me wondering, "What was that all about?" This movie had potential, but then got confusing when the story would focus on the killer's personality. I still made it all the way through, but honestly, by the end of the film I felt like I didn't really care one way or the other.Please like me on Facebook! We love getting suggestions and warnings on everything horror:

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