The Mysterious Retort

5.8| 0h3m| en

A wizard sleeps at a table in his well-appointed sitting room. From a drawer in the table, a snake appears.


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Hitchcoc There are numerous visual delights here as an alchemist works with others to invent. What actually happens is the magic that has been done before resurfaces. Still, I really enjoy the faces that are presented to us. The magician never leaves character and continues to work, even though there are complicated issues. Nice little venture.
Michael_Elliott Mysterious Retort, The (1906) *** (out of 4)aka L'alchimiste Parafaragaramus ou la cornue infernaleA wizard falls asleep in his lab when a serpent comes out from a cabinet and soon takes shape in a variety of forms including a spider, a joker and a mysterious woman. This here is another one of Melies most popular films and it's easy to see why as we're given all sorts of nice humor, some weird situations and just an overall surreal atmosphere that really makes this stick out among his hundreds of pictures. I'm not sure what it is but I always love when that serpent shows up as I find it to be one of the most interesting figures from this early part of film. It's certainly nothing ground breaking and the effect of it is obvious but it makes for a lot of fun. The spider here and its web is another major plus. Fans of the director will certainly enjoy the humor here and if you're new to Melies then this is a good place to start.
JoeytheBrit Although this Georges Melies special effects extravaganza shows that after ten years the French wizard had lost none of his energy and enthusiasm, there's something a little 'same-y' about this three minute short in which an Alchemist has weird dreams in his laboratory which ultimately result in his death.While Melies' visual imagination was insuperable he often seemed to have difficulty creating scenarios in which his special effects could be put to good use outside of the tired 'dream' idea. Given his prodigious output, and the confines of the medium back in 1906, this isn't entirely surprising.The special effects in this one are up to Melies' usual high standards (apart from that pantomime snake), with the spiders web in the retort being particularly striking.
MartinHafer I love the films of Méliès, as for their day, they were the most clever, creative and had the best trick cinematography of the day. His movies such as Le Voyage Dans le Lune are classics and I try to see every one I can--they are just so amazing and watchable even today (unlike the films of Edison and Lumiere which seem pretty pointless today).Unfortunately, while this IS a wonderful film, it is NOT among Méliès' best--in fact, oddly, it is almost plot less and is just an excuse to create special effect after special effect. The effects (apart from the cheesy snake) are great and the film is well worth seeing, but it has little lasting value unlike most of his other films I have seen.If you want to see this film online, go to Google and type in "Méliès" and then click the video button for a long list of his films that are viewable without special software.