The Mystery of the Sphinx

7.1| 1h44m| en

Hosted by Charlton Heston, it explores the possibility that the Sphinx maybe older than expected. John Anthony West examines that water erosion on the Sphinx can pre-date it to 10,000 years old?. Other mysteries such as how they moved 200 ton stone blocks to build the pyramids, the secret chambers under the Sphinx and the links to the pyramids that are suggested on Mars.


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Also starring John Anthony West


BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Blueghost You know, there's a lot going for this documentary about one of the oldest an made structures on the face of this Earth. New revelations and new conclusions about the Egyptian Sphinx and a nearby temple are pretty amazing stuff. When I first saw this documentary back in the 90s I was riveted.That is, until the mumbo-jumbo pseudo science about ancient humans from a lost continent and aliens reared their head. I mean, why throw that in there as a serious contemplation to what had been a solid and serious documentary? Just why?But, never mind. John Anthony West puts his ideas forward, and Charlton Heston narrates what could have been one of the greatest historical documentaries of all time. But, even West himself says all the other kooky crap associated with his ideas is, just that, an unfortunate association, because all he's done is taken the science a few extra steps to really examine what the geological evidence states about the Egyptian Sphinx, and, form there, to draw likely conclusions about what that evidence states.And it is compelling beyond belief. It says that civilization may be older than we thought by many orders of magnitude, and that the cradle of civilization may be near the Sphinx itself, whose life may have started out as a simple temple to some local animist deity, but, through the eons, was transformed into what we have today.Really, if you can get by the junk science part, and just focus on West's research, you should have an enjoyable time of it.Give it a watch and see what you think.*EDIT* A more recent documentary aired by the Smithsonian examines the same evidence, draws some of the same hard factual inferences made in this documentary, but gives a more cogent and solid theory of conclusion, which holds up better to scrutiny, and gybes better with known facts regarding construction techniques: "Secrets - The Sphinx"
milhous451 The mystery of the sphinx continues. See Supernatural Science (1999) episode Monumental Mysteries and Wikipedia (2010). Geology and Egyptology remain at loggerheads 17 years after Mystery of the Sphinx was released.The geological claims -- which I won't specify to avoid spoiling -- still stand. And the Egyptologists' objections also remain valid. The final 1/5 of the DVD is embarrassing rubbish about Mars and Atlantis, but the central tenet remains fascinating. And the geologist is accredited to Boston University. If anyone ever solves this mystery, it will be headline news.if you compare the erosion on the sphinx face to the erosion on its flanks, it becomes obvious the the face was sculpted thousands of years more recently than the body. so the face was re-carved -- perhaps from the head of a lion -- to the head of a 4th dynasty pharoah. but the main point of the documentary is far more sensational than that.
storman This is the Documentary that shook up Egyptian Archaeology when it was broadcast on NBC television. "The Mystery of the Sphinx," introduced American viewers to the discovery by John Anthony West and Robert Schoch that the Great Sphinx of Giza might be thousands of years older than its assumed date of 2500 BC. Narrated by Charlton Heston, the documentary provides evidence that the ancient Egyptians possessed scientific knowledge unknown to us and carried on the wisdom tradition of an earlier lost civilization. Finally this documentary been released on DVD.