The Nature of Existence

6.5| 1h34m| NR| en

After exploring the phenomenon of TREKKIES, filmmaker Roger Nygard takes on The Nature of Existence. As he roams the globe to the source of each of the world's philosophies, religions, and belief systems, Nygard interviews spiritual leaders, scholars, scientists, artists, pizza chefs, and others who have influenced, inspired, or freaked out humanity.



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Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Nick Palmer What happens when a dumb person tries to make a movie about complex questions? You're looking at it.There's nothing to be gained from watching this. Nygard gathers tiny sound bytes from hundreds of people ranging from priests to his screenwriter buddy to some mentally unstable dude who shouts things at strangers on the street, then pastes them together, thinking complete incoherence will somehow add up to something profound.Instead, you get meaningless, obvious conclusions that have less to say than those "Coexist" bumper stickers. We all need love and faith of some kind in our lives? Really? That's a profound thought? Nygard emerges as a self-promoting dim-wit, who manages to awkwardly shoehorn himself into every scene. He clearly wants to be the next Michael Moore/Morgan Spurlock, but lacks the intelligence or humor to pull it off. Total waste of time.
curttothepoint This was an eye-opening, uplifting film. And despite the polarizing and controversial topic, it was surprisingly lighthearted and dare I say fun. I think this is because the director made it personal. You feel like you're on a road trip with him, just sitting down and chatting with a bunch of people that are really interesting (and some quite bizarre). Frankly, I'm amazed at the openness and honesty of the interviewees. Nygard must have a real knack for making people feel comfortable and unthreatened. Also, I was impressed by the balanced portrayal of all religions, with no trace of agenda or mockery. This is a film that can build bridges and open dialogue between people of varying viewpoints.
ediblelogic210 I saw a special screening of this film last night in Professor Richard Brown's Film 101 Class. Professor Brown introduced Roger Nygard as ,"…a film maker , artist and storyteller…a unique talent…one who is important to listen to." I must say that Professor Brown was indeed correct. This film turned out to be quite an ambitious attempt to give insight to the question of why we exist. The questions that Nygard tackles are too numerous to mention, but he did say that they were all listed on the film's website. When first reading the questions, it's easy to understand how people might think that this is an extremely heavy and serious film. Although the questions & answers show incredible depth & insight – many of the answers are extremely and surprisingly funny ! I genuinely had some of the biggest laughs that I've had in a long time. I really hope that this film does well in the theaters and has an extended run in all the cities that it's playing in. This type of film is really the kind of film that should be experienced with a group of your best friends, followed by a visit to the local diner . Order lots of coffee to prep yourself for some of the most stimulating & engaging conversations that you've had in long time.
lisacarluccio I'm getting older, and the older I get the more I'm thinking about what life is all about, because if all it's about are the lousy dates I've been going on lately, well...what a rip off.I saw this documentary at a film festival in Pennsylvania last year, to be honest...I thought we bought tickets to another film and when I saw it was a documentary I nearly jumped up and ran out, but because we were seated in the middle of a populated row and running out was going to be a problem I thought I'd tough it patience was rewarded.My first thought on a film about why we exist was DRY, perhaps the term BORING jumped to mind, but this was neither. This film is totally funny (let me just say this - Christian WRESTLERS, need I say more? Entire marketing campaigns have been mounted on less interesting items), breezy, and a lot of fun to watch. I'm a bit of a social butterfly, I have to tell you, and this film has given me lots of ammo to bring up at dinner parties. I'm telling you that here and now, but at these parties I'm claiming all the witty and well read ideas as my will too, admit it.The director is also the narrator, and if there was one note I'd like to pass along to him - don't star in any future endeavors...seriously, holy cow, he was like a creepy guy who hangs out near schools only here he was traveling around the world asking people about God, The After Life, and Masturbation...seriously...that's brought up. He teams up at one point with this Holy Roller who preaches on college campuses, the things that come out of his mouth are jaw dropping...and yet totally quotable. The real laugh is I'm fairly certain I saw this guy on my campus as a kid - hello Mr. Creepy and Mr. Evangelist, may I scream now? All that aside, the film is ultimately a sincerely brilliant experience, well edited, and somewhat of a happy cinema going accident for me. The next time I get some vacation time together from the job I'm going to India to study with this Spiritual Leader there who appears in the film...he's so...I dunno, he seems like he'd be a hoot to meditate with...oh, and there's this other guru named AHA, he's not much to look at...but he's got a lot to say that's worth listening too. If I ever meet him, I have some wisdom to pass along to him - it's one word - aerobics.I wouldn't even review this film here really, because of seeing it at a festival I figure no one would ever get the chance to see it - but I just saw the trailer on the APPLE site, and heard it's going to be playing a few blocks away from where I live here in NYC...which is great, but now everyone's going to be hip to my deep thoughts at my next dinner party.

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