Purely Joyful Movie!
Did you people see the same film I saw?
Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
So this has the idea that there are some elves who don't really fit into the main group. It's a pretty normal story for a show about Christmas. The sad part though is that there is nothing original about it. We have a storyline that picked up more on the don't cut corners and keep to tradition which in my mind makes no sense. We are always changing tradition and even finding new ways of doing things. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. That's just human nature so when I see a show that is all about doing things only one way, it makes me want to yell. So what if your different, being different makes you you. To have a show that seemed to have the attitude of being different will get you into trouble just makes me wonder what they were trying to teach younger kids. I might be missing something to the show but if I missed it and this was for younger kids, and then they would have probably missed it too.The animation is pretty general and cartoony in the CG style. Basic textures and almost every other character besides the main characters looked the same. I mean it; all the elves look exactly the same and all the reindeer except for characters used at a special point look the same. It annoys me but since it was made for younger kids, I guess it works.Voices are very childlike which again works for what they were going for. It's simple and doesn't use a lot of 'large words' to explain things although the arguing between Winter and Snowflake got on my nerves at times. No matter what they did, they fought. I know siblings get on each others nerves but we don't have to listen to it all the time.It was alright but just not my show. It really shows that it was made for younger children.