The Navigator

4.4| 1h38m| en

Will they reach their destination?


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Also starring Keith Thomas


SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Sci-FiHorrorFan I thought this was a good film and it may have a slow start but that never bothered me because I was so engrossed in the mystery of the film. This is a film that requires patience and people with low attention spans probably won't like it and complain about the slow beginning. I on the other hand was enjoying the film right from the start,because I found the story interesting and I found the acting convincing,the acting was okay from everyone and I got very involved in the film. The film starts off by showing the viewers a man who appears to be troubled and disturbed about something and the police are questioning him about a navigator and we soon find out the clip at the start of the film is actually the end of the film and we are seeing the aftermath of what happened which is why the man was so distraught. Right from that scene I was very interested in the film because I wanted to find out what happened to him. The man loses his mind a bit and tries to destroy the navigator because for some reason he is scared of it. The police and detectives try to calm him down and get him to tell them what happened to him. We also find out right at the start of the film that couples have been going missing and the police have no clues as to where they have gone, the people seem to have just vanished into thin air. We find out The main character has a family and him and his wife and two daughters are going on vacation.but the day before the wife receives an anonymous gift at her party and there is no name on the gift and no one knows who it's from and her gift is a navigator,and right from the beginning the husband has a bad feeling about this navigator and he thought that it was weird that the gift had no name tag on it which also got me thinking what's going on here?. The next day the husband and his family go on their road trip and his wife wants to take the navigator even though they know where they are going which may sound stupid but we find out later the wife wanted to try and find a short cut so they could arrive at their destination faster. The husband falls asleep and the wife follows directions from the navigator which leads them into the middle of nowhere. What the wife did was stupid but I forgave her because it was an innocent mistake but the husband was angry that his wife had followed the navigator and does not trust the device and thinks it's faulty and he insists that they should have driven the way they always drive. But despite the silly decision the wife made I still found the film interesting and involving and the story was something different which I liked.strange stuff gradually starts to happen and his family start to disappear which I found quite creepy to be honest,and that's one of the things I liked about this film it was the fear of the unknown that made the film dark and chilling because the viewer never knows what's going on,and I like films like this,films that make the viewer think and question what's going on. This film did just that very well!.the film also had a dark Brutal atmosphere which I liked it made the film more intense and creepy. Also not knowing what's going on is a good thing for viewers like me because when you don't know what's going on it creates suspense and makes the situation scarier because of the unknown. I was very surprised by this film and I thought the mystery was the best part of the movie because it had me thinking,and even when I found out what was going on it was still interesting to watch because you wonder what the husband is going to do to get out of his situation. I felt really sorry for the husband character of the film and that's another thing the film did well it did a good job of making you feel sorry for the characters which I did I felt sorry for the whole family a specially the husband because he's all alone and has to find his family. The film had some very good twists and the there was a huge twist right at the very end that surprised me and left me smiling. The film also has a good don't know what you've got till its Gone. I recommend this film to people who are fans of mystery thrillers and suspense films because this was a good one and the story was told very well and the film was very suspenseful.
RealBohemian Only 23 ratings and no reviews as I write this, and it was at just over 4 when I logged in. And that's too bad, because it really is a very good film hampered by the sheer stupidity in the last part of the first half hour. At about that point I threw up my hands and said, "Oh COME ON, yes stupid people exist, but how am I supposed to care about anyone THAT STUPID?" It was that well known requirement for an initial suspension of disbelief, but in this case the suspension asked of the viewer was just too large. But when I checked the IMDb page I found the film was made for very little money, and I am a sucker for indies, so I decided to give it another half hour. very glad I did.The latter 2/3 of the film start a not-too-gradual build-up of suspense due first to the unknown and then to the terrifying known that will have anyone who looks for a real story rather than the usual bad movie clichés of triple porn (ie gratuitous sex, gore, and torture in any combination). This is NOT a horror film but it is horrific, terrifying, and disturbing due to the very possibility of such a thing really happening to...any one of us. And remember, I DON'T mean the stupid gratuitous serial killers around every corner, throw buckets of blood and guts at the screen, and/or depict the starkest and grossest of depravity non-story crud we see so much of today when I say...this could happen to anyone.Watch -closely- for a seeming reveal near the end. Ultimately I like the way they choose to film it, though when I first saw it I was throwing popcorn at the screen. This is a nice intelligent grab-you-by-the-seat and take-you-on-a-ride film with a greatly satisfying ending.Oh, yes...what is so stupid about the first half hour? Tell me, would YOU be so moronic as to use a GPS you;d recently gotten as a present from...well, you have no idea and neither do any of your friends and relatives...with a "shorter route" for some very straightforward trip you'd planned to someplace you;d been before? And keep following it for HOURS past the time you should have arrived following your old route, until you were low on gas and utterly lost? I didn't think so.
jusgraymatters First the acting is horrible, then if you can get past 30 minutes of a movie maker insulting every ounce of your intelligence then this movie(and I use the word "Movie" loosely) may be for you. I couldn't get past thirty minutes of it and I was giving it every opportunity to "Bounce Back". I found nothing in the first thirty minutes that could or would justifying me to go any further. Poor acting, poor script, and the cinematography could only be described as Go Pro at it's not so best. Sorry I just don't get "Movies" like this. Personally I think that a movie should give the viewer enough in the first ten minutes to get them interested and this one failed miserably to do that in the first thirty minutes. I understand that everyone needs to start somewhere, maybe a sitcom, short children s stories would be a better starting point in trying to captivate a viewers attention for these guys.

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