The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat

1974 ""I've Come a Long Way, Baby!""
5.3| 1h17m| R| en

Fritz, now married and with a son, is desperate to escape from the domestic hell he now finds himself in. Lighting up a joint, he begins to dream about his eight other lives, hoping to find one that will provide a pleasant distraction.


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Michael O'Keefe This is the sequel to the 1972 cult classic FRITZ the CAT. This raunchy animated feature is of course meant for adult viewing. Animation is excellent and the script is witty, hip and erotic. This streetwise alley cat(Skip Hinnant)is trying to escape his mundane existence and get as far away from his nagging and screaming wife(Reva Rose)he can. She helps him by throwing his fuzzy butt out. Fritz lights up a joint and thinks back about his wild and swinging life in the 1960's. Language is filthy and safe to say... virtually all of the scenes are nasty and hilarious.Kudos to director Robert Taylor. Other voices are provided by: Bob Holt, Fred Smoot, Joan Gerber, Robert Ridgley, Peter Leeds and Pat Harrington Jr.
jon_lajoie This film is twisted and dirty. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Now to my review. I was fascinated by the idea of an R rated cartoon, and Fritz the cat seemed the obvious choice. The film begins with Fritz' wife harassing him about the state of his life. To escape the ranting, he lights up a joint and reminiscences how he came to lose many of his lives. The film ultimately shows that Fritz has no chance to improve his life, as every opportunity he gets he sees as another chance to have sex, smoke, cheat the system, and make an idiot of himself. some trippy scenes follow in this dark movie. I would not recommend this to the faint hearted, the violent scenes of murder and assassination are examples, but if you're looking for something different, give it a look.
exorcissy72 To start this off, I love the original, I think it is brilliant social satire, plus I'm a huge Ralph Bakshi fan. So, even though I knew Bakshi wasn't involved with this sequel I'd figured I'd give it a chance. Well it was pretty bad, instead of making a social comment most of Fritz's Nine Lives just degenerate into dumb slapstick, and gross out gags. The film is dumb, lifeless, and not very funny. Oh and just a note if you're going to use live action footage as your background, make it less interesting than the animated foreground(something this film does horribly). Ultimately the whole movie seems pointless and dumb. However the animation is good and the soundtrack is decent, even though the soundtrack of the original is really good. To those "Wizards" fans Bob Holt the voice of Avatar is a number of voices in this film, he's even credited as "Many Voices", look for him with his Avatar voice as a cigar smoking astronaut.
1bilbo It is always a good idea to watch something all the way through before writing about it.This film has some excellent sideways kicks at society and anybody who does not have the education to understand or concentration span should switch off after ten minutes.BTW. The word "boob" means mistake what women have are breasts. To apply that word boob to a woman`s body is sexist and what one would probably expect from a redneck.This film does not have the cutting edge of the original and although some very good moments does tend to lose its way. However, these two films were landmarks and the satire has not been equaled via cartoon until South Park arrived.