The Old Man and the Sea

6.7| 1h33m| en

Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Santiago goes out on his usual fishing trip and makes a huge catch, the biggest of his life. Then a shark attacks and tries to steal his catch.


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KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Badgirl99124 WARNING!! This is a spoiler!I'm a 9th grader and as a class we read and saw the movie The Old Man in the Sea. The old man never gives up so you have to be ready to go in his adventures in fishing. His adventures are not that interesting but he never gave up. He knew that some day he was going to catch a fish. The book was not interesting but the movie was interesting. In the movie the old man promises his wife that he was always going to go fishing on his skiff. If you watched the movie you will see that he never breaks his promise. It looked like that old man was real in love with his wife and was willing to do anything to stay with her. But, we still don't know what happened with her we don't know if she died or if she still alive. In the book the old man doesn't have a daughter and in the movies he does. His daughter was always trying to get him to live with her but he never wanted to. The old man needs a woman in his life because the old man looks to dirty. Even though he thinks that he can make it like that I don't think he can. The old man is sick he needs someone to take care of him. Even though he knows that he sick he still refuses to move with his daughter. The old man had a little friend named Manolin that was always there for him. The little boy is like 10 years old in the movie but he is real helpful to the old man. The old man and the little boy were fans of the Yankees and that never changed. Their favorite player was DiMaggio. He was a great player back in the day. They both had faith in the Yankees they knew that the Yankees wasn't going to let them down. At the end the old man catches a fish reaching his goal. He was trying to catch a fish for over 84 days and he never gave up. The old man reached his goal without a problem. While he was out there getting a fish people thought that he was dead or something had happened to him. He was thinking about the day he got married with his wife. The old man never broke his promise and that's what I really like about him in the story. Most of the guys in the book that never talked to him would have given up but he didn't. He kept going until he reached his goal and most men wouldn't be able to do what he did. If you want to know more I suggest you watch the movie because it's better than the book.
elyria106 Warning: Movie Details revealed:I'm a freshmen student who watched the movie Old Man And The Sea I think the movie's graphics weren't all that good. The plot was good, but the graphics were horrible. Every thing looked fake, especially the marlin. Other than that the movie was good. They didn't make many changes, and the changes they did make, made the movie better not worse. The actors did their job pretty good and they were convincing. For example when the old man was out to sea looking for the fish and talking to himself he was saying things with a lot of feeling. Or the part when he was saying that he had to kill the fish even though he loved it and respected it. Then when he was asking himself if it was right to kill the fish he put enough real emotion in there to convince the person watching that he was actually there. The actors looked like I imagined they would look. Except one, the daughter Angela. They stuck to the book and how they said stuff and what they said so it was actually a good book in terms of the plot, if you can get over the fake graphics than it's a fairly good movie.
bebamaria2004 You might have heard of the movie or story call 'The Old Man and the Sea'. I read and saw the movie in high school. The book was all right but it had different things from the movie. I personally didn't like the movie because I think that is was boring and that it didn't have as much detail as the book had. Another reason why I didn't like the movie was because the effects here kind of dumb. The movie was different from the book because in the book the author includes a lot of details that the movie never had. For example in the book, Santiago was really fighting for the fish, in the movie it look so easy. The movie would be better if it had more details. Another is that Santiago never had a daughter, in the movie he did and she was a real bad character. I think she doesn't know how to act good because of the things she said and do. Another thing was that in the movie the old man thinks back of his wife. In the book he didn't really had no family only the boy. The new things didn't mean anything because the daughter was just like any friend to him she didn't believe on him like the boy did. For the wife I think it was nothing because I think he didn't care for her like he cares for the boy. The movie helps a little but I think that with more detail and taking out the new parts will help a lot. Well this is all I could really tell you. I think that from a 1 to 10 I will give like a 4. Another thing I want to tell you is that it will be better to read the book.
caseychaseme I had to watch this movie in high school as an assignment and I thought the movie 'The Old Man and the Sea' was a pretty good movie. It seems like other people really don't like the movie. People find it boring and stupid and hate the dialog. I admit the dialog wasn't too good if you actually listen to it. And even though I nearly fell asleep while I was watching the movie, it didn't look like a horrible movie. They changed a few things from the version of the book I read because they gave the old man a daughter and didn't say anything about the lions on the beach. And I didn't really understand Ernest Hemingway's part in the movie except that he was there. It didn't make sense on how much the old man kept talking to himself and the fish and the birds and whatever else he spoke to.I'm not going to try and spoil the movie but I can tell you about how he went out to sea and hooked a marlin. Then came the boring parts. Then there was bleeding, struggling, cramping, hurting, eating, killing and guilt. If you watch the movie, you might see what I mean. Overall the movie was good. But I kind of had my eyes closed so I don't have any detailed parts. But my eyes were open enough to tell you the movie. That is if you like fishing, sharks and crazy old men and I'm guessing that no one likes that stuff.I don't think I said too much to tell you the whole movie and spoil everything but if you did want to know the movie, read someone else's comments.