The One Armed Swordsmen

6.2| 1h49m| en

The martial world is now awash in one-armed knights, who aren't inclined to make any permanent alliances among themselves.


Producted By

Wang Chiang Film Company


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
poe426 Our story begins with a one-armed masked man making short work of a group of martial artists before making like horse s--- and hitting the dusty trail. The local villagers begin to speculate as to just WHO this mysterious, one-armed bandit might be. Coincidentally, there happen to be about half a dozen suspects in the vicinity. That's right: almost every other character in THE ONE-ARMED SWORDSMEN has a missing limb. Suspicion falls on both Li (David Chiang) and Fang (Wang Yu), who each suspect the other. When a group of "barbarians" using huge spiked clubs attack the pair in a tavern, our heroes manage to dispense with them between sips of tea from teapots- which they use to toast one another both during and AFTER the fight. And, lest you think he's been forgotten in the mayhem, Lo Lieh as yet ANOTHER one-armed swordsman plays a pivotal role at the end (and he has an unsurprising surprise up his sleeve). There's a scene early in the movie involving some wooden men that come to life; it's the kind of thing we've come to expect from a Wang Yu-directed movie (though co-director David Chiang might've had a say in it as well). A fun but minor romp.
ajoyce1va I rented a copy of this one from Netflix -- big mistake. The DVD version titled "The One-Armed Swordsmen" was produced by madmen who thought that the fighting sequences would be appreciated better pasted all together in one big chapter than as part of a consistent, sequential story. Some of the story was left in separate chapters, which you can select from the main menu, but the DVD is still a mess. Don't rent or buy it. Not that there was anything wonderful about the original story, an absurdly complicated piece of nonsense. Much as I liked seeing Wang Yu in his prime again after all these years, this one is an utter waste of time. I've had dish detergents that made a better film than this. What the chopped-up DVD version shows us is that no matter how silly a Chinese script may be, you have to see some sort of story to care about how the fighting sequences turn out.But "The One-Armed Swordsmen" does offer you do the chance to see both Wang and Shaw Brothers stalwart Lo Lieh beating up smirking pretty boy David Chiang -- it's always a pleasure to see that happen. Lo plays a sort of second-string villain here, and serves as a prime example of why some people really need orthodontists. he film is also graced by the participation of Taiwanese actor Chang Yi as the magistrate. Another comment above mentions the obligatory fight-in-the-inn scene (there are two, in fact) where Wang and Chiang are attacked by a pack of comical barbarians using what look like cavemen weapons, making Bruce Lee noises while they fight. None of this makes any sense, but that's okay if you're not expecting any clarity or common sense. It was fun to watch anyway.Another peculiarity of this production is that there are no significant women characters. There are a couple of female roles, but they play no serious role in the action or the plot.If you can find a copy of the original Shaw Brothers One-Armed Swordsman movie, the one which explains why he has only the one arm and why he uses a broken sword, go for it.
josephbleazard Although a kung fu classic, this film lacks a certain grace in its fight sequences. This might be partly due to the fact that every single character seems to have one arm. Indeed a new DVD release includes an extra previously cut fight scene which raises the number of one armed swordsmen to 7, effortlessly setting a new standard for the one armed genre.The real pleasure of this film is its labyrinthine plot. This film employs a Chinese box structure, steadily expanding its scope and the importance of the action. In layman's terms, this film has the two most improbable plot twists of any kung fu movie i have ever seen. Watch and shake your head in disbelief, then laugh, then watch it again.
StarfishChris It was my dad who remembered this film about a one-armed swordsman back in the 70s. He has never seen it since, but recently it was released on DVD. Now one of the most hard-to-find films is easier to buy :)The One-Armed Swordsmen starts with the evil villian Brother Dragon attacking a swordsman, cutting off one of his arms. Before Dragon can finish him, his arm is kindly removed by another swordsman and runs away, never to be seen... however, when a little girl's teacher is killed by a one-armed swordsman right in front of her eyes, suspicion is raised among all one-armed swordsmen that pass by the village.If you love these kind of films, it's worth a look. The story is clever with some nice twists, and though you can guess who the murderer is near the end of the film the way in which he operated is still mysterious. It also has plenty of fight scenes which are fun to watch (as always).