The Oracle

1985 "A Power That Is Ancient."
4.2| 1h34m| R| en

A murder victim reaches out from beyond the grave in an attempt to possess the body of a young woman who has moved into his old apartment.


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Also starring Irma St. Paule


Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Michael_Elliott The Oracle (1985) * (out of 4)Jennifer (Caroline Capers Powers) and her husband move into a new building where one night they mess around with a Ouija board. Pretty soon Jennifer feels that someone is trying to contact her but everyone else believes she is simply going crazy.Roberta Findlay has said quite a few things about THE ORACLE and none of them were good. The director has pretty much called this film horrid and it's really hard to disagree with her. I thought Findlay did a good job at at least delivering a professional looking movie but at the same time it's obvious that her heart wasn't into the project as there's simply no life or energy to the picture.The film wants to be something like ROSEMARY'S BABY but obviously it falls well short. There were a number of horror movies dealing with possession inside of an apartment complex and this here really doesn't offer up anything new. There are a couple nice shots via the cinematography but that's about it. The performances are pretty much weak and the screenplay lacks any real imagination. Even the death scenes aren't all that memorable, although I will say that the opening sequence with the hooker appears to have been influenced by MANIAC.With that said, THE ORACLE is a pretty boring film and its 93-minute really drag at a very slow pace.
EyeAskance A young couple rent a New York City apartment previously occupied by a strange elderly soothsayer. The wife plunders the deceased old lady's belonging and finds an oracle(a hand-shaped device used to communicate with the dead). She unwisely tests the item's power, gradually becoming a living instrument of revenge for a recent murder victim. As her involvement in the situation deepens, so does her frustration when her husband and friends express concern for her mental health...they dismiss her strange experiences as hallucinations, despite a rash of mysterious deaths taking place around them.For a Roberta Findlay film, this one is actually not as spectacularly awful as it should be, and does manage to maintain interest and deliver some fairly gory moments. Standing on its own merits, however, it's a throwaway picture with typically staid performances(a couple of the secondary characters are commendably played, most notably the sadistic lesbian psychopath), and the special effects are...well...neither special nor effective.Not recommendable, but beneath the crust of cheapness is a semi-worthy watch...*IF* you're willing to take a brain laxative and dumb yourself down for 90 minutes.4/10
udar55 I put this in a few days before Christmas and, to my surprise, it is set during the Xmas and New Year's holidays. So I officially have a new entry into my holiday themed horror flicks! Jennifer (Caroline Capers Powers) and husband Ray (Roger Neil) move into a new apartment once inhabited by a psychic medium. Naturally, Jennifer locates a trinket that communicates with the dead and they take her up on the offer. She is contacted by one William Graham, an industrialist who committed suicide some weeks earlier. Jennifer has visions of the true culprits, but no one believes her!Filmed entirely in NYC, this Roberta Findlay cheapie really doesn't have much going for it. Still, I was entertained for all of the wrong reasons. There is lots of goofy gore and bad acting on display. Lead Powers is attractive and a decent actress, but never made another film (how does that happen?). The real reasons to see this flick are the DVD extras on the Media Blasters release. There is a hilarious half hour interview with Findlay about the film where she covers everything about the film from casting the big lesbian to her love of Jack Daniels to the South's love of horror films ("It's the only good thing about it!"). There is also a audio commentary where Findlay pulls no punches. I love listening to her talk.What is interesting is that this film came out a year before the more celebrated (and admittedly better) WITCHBOARD. They basically are the exact same film and it makes me wonder if Kevin Tenney saw this and thought, "I can do that a lot better."
lost-in-limbo A young newly married woman, Jennifer, stumbles across a writing tool called the Oracle, which is an Ouija device that was used by the previous occupant of their apartment. For some entertainment with her friends she brings out the device for a séance, where she unwillingly gets in contact with a revengeful spirit who was murdered. No one believes her that the spiritual connection with the medium is real and to make matters worse the mystery gets more dangerous when she calls the number the spirit gave her. It leads her to his wife and now the killers of her husband are now tracking down Jennifer.The curse of the 80s horror cheese (that's extremely cheesy by the way) strikes again in this ridiculously dumb and cheaply done bungle of lightweight schlock. Despite being a rather ghastly piece, it's oddly watchable and to a certain degree enjoyable junk. Honestly the premise is quite unique and there are inventive ideas cooked up, on the other hand the budget and the execution doesn't entirely complement the vision. But then who am I to complain when it didn't cop out on the splatter. It's grisly, outlandish and terribly campy stuff! Watch the blood fly across the screen. An ominously brooding atmosphere with a murky colour scheme and jittery sound effects adds to the fun. A blunt synthesizer packed score springs into action and the shoddy special effects (like the rotting corpse and a green floating skull) are unintentionally funny.The direction by Roberta Findlay is simply clumsy, but her no-bars approach means there's a certain randomness that makes those clammy and plodding moments move on in a hurry. Well, some moments do feel like they're trapped in slow motion. They are basically those chase scenes. It might be light on suspense, but there are oddball thrills in minor spurts that have meagre potency. The cruddy performances are pretty dry. The constant squealing from the lead Caroline Capers Powers can get somewhat frustrating, but overall she was fair. Pam La Testa makes quite an impression as the bulky butch killer with a deep, no-nonsense attitude."The Oracle" is a corn-filled slice of 80s low-budget horror that's craptastic.