The Other

1972 "Niles and Holland are as close as twin brothers can be. Appearances can be deceiving... and deadly."
6.8| 1h48m| PG| en

A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their family.


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Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues I was very young when watched this movie in 1984,and by this time if found it very scary and unusual movie beyond the original piece of horror,today this picture survives and became a classic horror from the seventies,today with a great restoration this came out very fresh and interesting yet not aged,the story is amazing and creepy,those twin weren't easy to face,in the middle when stay clear about Holland's death all things make sense and became more powerful and robust,the end leave a little doubt about who are in the window???Robert Mulligan made your best work in your career certainly!!Resume: First watch: 1984 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 8.5
SoccerPhreak I first saw this movie as a child sometime around 1976 and saw it only once. I was eight years old. But I never forgot it; its images burned into my young brain.After seeing those images replayed in my mind over the years I decided to look for it again. Finally, thirty years later I found it and rented it, it was exactly as I had remembered it. I want to see it again.The Other is a great movie with a great plot and great twist. Shows the contrast between good and evil like many movies today but in a crafty style.I wish someone would do a remake of this movie sometime but I bet it wouldn't compare to the great work done by the director and actors in the 1972 version.
gilligan1965 I saw this as a "TV Movie Of The Week" when I was a few years younger than the actors portraying these twins...and, they really scared me!As a child, I thought "Wow! These twins would be the 'ultimate bullies' in school! Get on their bad side, and, even adults cannot protect you...they'll kill adults, too!"Along with the novel it's based upon, this movie is very good...and, believably-terrifying!This movie is:detailed in astral-projection, and, its misuse;lead by a European-born grandmother (portrayed by the great Uta Hagen) who is believable in her knowledge and sensibility of 'controlling' magic, and, not abusing it in wrongful and selfish ways;about such power and knowledge punitively abused by children who feel even slightly threatened by others;for anyone who likes a great thriller about the handling of 'good' powers by those who use them in a 'bad' way.I like this movie...mainly because it's presented in a non-grotesquely manner, which, in this case, is even more frightening than if it were all blood-and-guts; and, because, children are involved...and, that's even more disturbing!If you decide to watch won't believe the twisted ending; nor, who/whom is behind it all!
Tom Dooley Made back in 1972 this remastering by Eureka films does total justice to this film that never got the accolades it fully deserved. Set in the Connecticut summer of 1935 we meet twins Niles and Holland Perry. They live in an extended family but their mother seems to be dealing with some sort of mental breakdown. Their paternal grandmother has taught them a 'game' that she brought from her native Russia which seems to involve outer body experiences.Then a series of things start to happen around the farmstead and as the evidence starts to unfold it becomes clear to Niles that his twin is responsible - even though he really knows that Holland does not mean to be bad. What unfolds is a chilling game of life and death.This is one of those films that will get the hair on the back of your neck to rise – for all the right reasons. Played absolutely straight by a stellar cast this is just quietly horrific; but it is all done in good taste. It has aged really well and has extremely high production values with a story that will hold you right until the end. It is also so well done that you would have no problems watching it again – which is quite rare in such a genre of film making. If you have never come across this one before then you have a treat waiting for you – absolutely recommended.