The Other Side of the Hedge

4.3| 0h2m| en

Two romantic suitors avoid their wet-blanket chaperone by way of the titular hedge.



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Lawbolisted Powerful
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
He_who_lurks This film is one that is a good example of the one-gag films early filmmakers were making. These early films featured a gag that was never relatively funny, but for an early film audiences were entertained as it was better than seeing workers leaving a factory or a train arriving. I'm guessing though that by the time this film was made these early gag films were out of style, and so a film like this would've worked better if it had been made years earlier, say in 1899 or even earlier.The film is all about some people, two women and a man, going on a picnic. One of the women is in love with the man so they hatch a plot to steal away from their companion so the two can make out. Where do they go to? Read the title.While the gag this film has is at least original, this movie was made at too late a time in filmmaking to be of any interest. This was after "The Great Train Robbery" , "A Trip to the Moon" and Hepworth's own "Rescued by Rover". It could be possible that this movie is fragmentary and the fat lady found out what they were up to...who knows?
JoeytheBrit This was made by Cecil Hepworth in the same year that he produced Rescued by Rover, and it seems incredible that the same filmmaker could make films of such varying quality in the space of one year. The entire film is basically working up towards a punchline which is as unfunny and uninteresting as the build-up before it. A courting couple on a picnic are prevented from enjoying a romantic liaison by their matronly chaperone, so when she falls asleep they sneak behind a hedge, leaving their hats visible at opposite ends of it so that, when she wakes up, the chaperone believes they are sitting far apart (as, undoubtedly, you would in her position). This one's pretty disappointing, it has to be said.
bob the moo Three people are having a picnic are together but it is very clear that the young man and woman are eager to steal away from their companion to, err, appreciate nature.It sounds like a setup for a punch-line and the short running time suggested to me that this is just what it would be and it is what it looks like it is going to be. So imagine my disappointment (go on, imagine it) when the film ends with nothing of note having happened. The couple move away from their companion when she lies down for a nap; that's your lot – thanks for coming. It is weird because a lot of the Hepworth films have elements of comedy in there and this one just had nothing at all. Historically I doubt it has any cinematic value other than being from the Hepworth company because there doesn't appear to be anything being tried or experimented with either.Not sure what happened with this one to make it of no interest or why anyone bothered to make it but other than being a short film from a famous character in UK silent cinema history, this is of no real value.
MartinHafer Of all the early film producers, those of Hepworth are generally among the better films to watch in the 21st century. Unlike MOST of the films of Edison and Lumiere, their films often had cute stories or a good sense of humor. It was in this light that I saw this film and saw it as a complete waste of time. Three people are having a picnic and NOTHING of any interest occurs. Absolutely freaking nothing! This is not too atypical of some of the early films, but Hepworth must have been caught napping or just scraped up some old deleted scenes to produce this. This film is SO DULL that it's not even of much interest to film historians. Find another early film--they're not all this pointless.