i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Excellent, smart action film.
Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Cissy Évelyne
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
This movie will go on the list as one of the worst movies I've ever seen. My two friends and I started this movie hoping for a good scare yet without any high expectations, but it already lost my attention within the first 5 minutes which is an accomplishment. Overall, the plot is nowhere to be found, the acting is beyond terrible and the quality is simply painful to watch. There are several movies out there filmed by a hand-camera or a low-quality video recorder, but this was just poorly done.The movie is about a group of people experimenting with an Ouija board in the hope of their video going viral. I believe it's safe to say that when one starts playing with an Ouija board, we all know that something bad is about to happen with ghostly figures and inexplicable 'supernatural' events because it's a horror movie after all. From this moment on, it should raise the tension for the viewer... it 'should'. Even though this movie had some so-called jump scares, as a viewer you just end up chuckling at the TV because it was either too predictable or so amateurish that it was laughable.I don't know what the plot was intended to be, but other than seeing people running around the house at night with a camera trying to capture ghosts, or visiting a friend's place and finding out they're (surprise!) dead, I can only wonder if there was a clear plot in the first place.I had hope for the 'climax' to turn out well, but unfortunately, even the plot-twist around the deadly mystery of your friendly neighborhood girl was already hinted to the entire movie. And even if you took a small nap during the movie and woke up right before the flashback, it would've easily been guessed that the one accused of the murder, wasn't the murderer after all.All in all, I would definitely not recommend watching this movie. I don't even know why there is a sequel or why Netflix picked this up, but who am I to judge. 2 stars for the creepy poster and that they tried.
When I started the movie I didn't expect a lot of it. But after seeing the first 10 minutes I couldn't be more wright. Some may say it is a "B" movie, I think it can't be in a alphabetical category. How could they rape the horror genre so hard and still getting on Netflix. Maybe it was the acting? No, it was horrible, horrible. Are those actors randomly picked on the street. I laughed a couple of times when the acting was so poor i just couldn't keep it. I think that was the only thing that was positive about this movie. Men o men o men, I've seen bad movies, but this one is taking the cake. I'm wasting my time by writing the review, but I just want to warn people. DON'T. WATCH. THIS. MOVIE. Even if you can live 1000 years and you have more then 750 million hours to do everything you want. Even then, even then I wouldn't recommend this to you in a life time.
This isn't just the worst movie ever produced by people this is the worst thing ever recorded in human history. Found film shaky cam no script acting or direction. Quite literally, there is no script or directions AT ALL. A red light camera has more artistic content. Russian dashcam video is more polished. Vines of getting hit in the nads is better. YouTube ghetto rat fist fights in the parking lot of Popeye's Chicken is better. If you gave a cell phone to any random 15 year old and told them to record whatever they wanted, come back tomorrow thanks, you'd get this. It's not enough that found film shakeycam should be beaten to death and set on fireNo. Something like this comes along and makes you hope for a meteor to hit the earth and kill us all.
Going to start out by saying that I saw this a month ago. It's a tad fuzzy. But I remember this film being insanely wonky on it's pacing, acting, writing, directing, editing, cinematography, sound design, editing, etc. I did rate this 1 star after all.The movie consistently throws twists at you and tries to shock you, only to leave you giggling at the screen.It's a jumbled mess of a film, and I really hope everyone involved looks at this film and says "Hmm... Glad we learned how to not make a movie."And that ending? Really? I do not mind switching to cinematic, but it has to be done well. It has to be engaging and clear as to what is happening.In this, it was jarring. I was unsure if it was cinematic for a while, until the camera angle changed. Also, last thing, the whole "I am the camera" thing, literally made no freaking sense.