The Presence

2010 "Don't Believe Everything You Hear"
4.4| 1h23m| PG| en

In this darkly romantic ghost story, a woman travels to an isolated cabin where she is stalked by an apparition who inhabits her space as his own. With the unexpected arrival of the woman’s boyfriend, the dark spirit’s haunting grows obsessive. Soon the woman begins to exhibit weirdly irrational behavior as the thin line between sanity and possession begins to unravel. Is she battling her inner demons, or is a much darker presence threatening them all?


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Flatland Pictures


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
hwg1957-102-265704 A woman goes to the remote cabin she knew as a child, The cabin has a 'Presence' who just stands around with an expression on his face that suggest he has severe constipation. The woman's boyfriend turns up. An evil "Presence" turns up and tries to be threatening but fails. Later on an angelic 'Presence' turns up. It is basically a slow and rather dull ghost story that doesn't make much sense. Nothing is ever explained. (the suicidal birds for one thing) and it is sad to see the movie relying on the hackneyed use of doors banging to try and give a scare. The music score is over emphatic to a ridiculous degree. Slightly redeeming the film is the pretty cinematography and Mira Sorvino, though even a gifted actor like her can't overcome the poor scripting.
Kim Tomlin I wouldn't say I put tons of weight on other people's reviews but I will if the issue is consistent. When this came on this afternoon, it sounded interesting but I came here and the negative comments made it sound as if it would not be a movie I'd like while the positive weren't really helpful--for me.So, I don't know how helpful this will be but I'm so glad I didn't listen to the negatives. Was it a slow start. Yes. Was it "quiet" for 15-20 minutes? Yes. Was it a bad movie? Not even close.If you are looking for movies with lots of action, gore and in your face scares, this isn't for you. I happen to like both and this one delivered in terms of spooky but not the in your face kind. It's a story about a woman's growth past what happened to her as a child--something I can relate to. The betrayal of someone she loved and trusted and how does one get past that? Not easily. It was also a story of forgiveness and I believe the ghost was who many people believe it was; otherwise, why would he have asked for her forgiveness? Certainly the other suggested identification would have had no reason to ask for forgiveness--he didn't know her.The movie had some chills but that really wasn't the movie. If you want a tender story with your chills, by all means, check it out. If that doesn't appeal to you, I would recommend you not--you'll not like it. But for me, I will watch and enjoy this one again.
tiger233 Contains Spoiler...This movie sucks. That is the spoiler. I am not quite sure why the folks who rated it a 10 actually did that. I guess that is because they actually got beyond the first 69 minutes. I thought this sounded like a pretty good plot. However, it really didn't live up to the hype of the trailers. I am now writing some lines, because the IMDb thing won't let me post this if it isn't at least 10 lines long. I am not sure why they do that, but I am going to keep writing stuff until I get to at least 10 lines of text, or my fingers fall off.On another note, Mira Sorvino is still pretty hot.On a 2nd another note, they have a lot of nice scenery shots.
GL84 Arriving at a secluded cabin to get over the demons of her past, a woman finds the cabin haunted by the ghosts she's running from and tries to stop their torment and control over her when her boyfriend comes to visit.Quite frankly this is one of the most boring and irritating horror films of all time and ranks as one of the worst all-time. This is aided by the film's complete lack of anything going on here, which tends to feature one of the characters wandering around the house while a ghost looks on silently and immobile the entire time, not reacting to her being there nor doing anything to put the characters in harm's way. That's the whole point here, there's no danger at all to the characters so there's no blood, no gore, no deaths, nor even is there on-screen violence perpetrated against them as the lone act that could've been highly rewarding for what's transpired is done off-screen with the shouts and screams echoing through the landscape, and their tactic of merely whispering their intentions is just plain irksome and generates nothing but loathing at the lack of action. The fact that it takes just under half-an-hour for the first line of dialog to occur should be more than enough to denote what kind of film this is, even with some potentially intriguing scenes later on. The scenery looks gorgeous, the house is creepy and the atmosphere works, but the lack of an intimidating threat and toned-down atmosphere here doom this one.Rated PG-13: Language.