The Red Book Ritual

2022 "Every page is a new way to die."
3.3| 1h23m| en

Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house evil is waiting to be released. A long time ago a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her. The book will reveal the answers to all your questions… but what if your host is an evil entity with a thirst for blood?


Producted By

Black Mandala


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Also starring Bruno Giacobbe

Also starring Paulo Vilela

Also starring Melinda Joan Reed


Clevercell Very disappointing...
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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