The Red Cell

2008 "The flesh is weak and the mind is strong, but torture the flesh and you destroy the mind."
1.6| 1h27m| en

A terminally ill patient, wakes up in a dark, decrepit underground chamber. An IV pumps an unknown liquid into his body and adorning his head is a crown of wires. His last memories lead him back to the hospital where doctors had recently discovered his illness. He didn't even have enough time to inform those closest to him of his untimely death sentence before ending up here. Behind the walls someone is lurking, and Ayden soon finds out that a psychotic killer, bent on performing strange, immoral medical experiments, is holding him captive. But there's more to this man than meets the eye, as Ayden will learn in time. What starts out as a sadistic medical experiment quickly becomes an excruciating race for Ayden to survive both his captor and his illness long enough to simply tell his shrouded family goodbye.



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XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
sol1218 (Ther are Spoilers) Waking up in this rust colored and dingy looking cellar Ayden finds himself in a fix he has no memory of getting into. Dressed in a hospital gown and with a number of IV needles stuck in him Ayden feels as if he's been kidnapped by some mad doctor to be experimented on.It soon becomes apparent to Ayden that he's going through some kind of post operative trauma as we see him recollect events before he found himself in the fix that he finds himself in now. Ayden had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor that has a 97% chance of killing him. Was the operation unsuccessful and is Ayden now lying dead in the hospital morgue with his mind somehow still functioning while his body is dead!The film "Red Cell" has Ayden tormented by this unseen "Doctor" who only reveals himself wearing this outfit, together with a gas mask, used to prevent chemical agents, like mustard gas and sarin, from infecting and killing him. This goes on throughout the entire movie with this odd looking, with his face badly chopped up, character popping up every now and then just, with him constantly vomiting out blood, to gross both Ayden and the audience out. It soon becomes evident that both the doctor and the grossed out one are vying for Ayden's attention in some kind of morbid game of "Who do you Trust". Were even shown Ayden getting his skull drilled as if that supposed to have been the operation, to cut out his brain tumor, that put him in this dark and unsanitary looking dungeon in the first place!The movie starts to makes some sense with a number of glimpse of Ayden's life prior to the discovery of his brain tumor. We also see that Ayden himself put himself into the mess he finds himself in now by signing a form that stated that no one, not even his immediate family members, should know that he's being both hospitalized and operated on. This action on Ayden's part makes it possible, with one one being informed of his whereabouts and condition, for him to be experimented on with some new kind of mind altering drug! That's if Ayden is alive in the first place to have it used on him!
homecoming8 Inspired by the original "Saw", "The Red Cell" starts with a former patient waking up in a filthy room. He is being watched, drugged and operated on by a masked man who seems to be his doctor. The young man is already dying of cancer, and the experiments are extreme. Or is it all just a dream ? Low budget doesn't necessary means that it is bad. Even "Saw" was made with little money. But never compare this painful mess with movies like that. My God, where do I begin ? The main character (you see him the entire movie) is a talentless non-actor without any charisma. The story makes no progress at all, shot entirely in a dark room with awful bad lightning. After an half hour or so I started to fast-forward because to tell you the truth: it was really unwatchable. The experimental operations show some blood and was without a doubt inspired by movies like "Hostel" (which I do like) but expect no effects or thrills here. No real actors (there are only 6 people in it, most of them for a minute or so) no locations (without a doubt the basement of the director, because the main "actor" is his brother or his son) and no effects: I say the budget of this so-called 'horror-movie" must have been below 500 $.You have been warned...
abbieh5 If you gave a monkey 5 bucks, a typewriter, and an etch-a-sketch it could make a better film than this...and probably do a better acting job too.Granted I only made it through the first 20 minutes of this movie before totally giving up, but I doubt I missed much. Low budget doesn't have to mean low quality, but it does in this case. The plot is flaky at best and all attempts to build suspense are just plain boring. Everything starts off interesting enough with the audience wondering, "Hey, why's he in a cardboard basement?," but from the opening line of "Nurse," it's obvious that every expense was spared on the cast. I'm willing to forgive a lot of things in a movie, including a set made of old refrigerator boxes, if there is something, anything else to make it interesting. But there's nothing here. I have no doubt that people worked very hard on this film, and meant well, but it's all in vain. I don't recommend you waste your time watching it, even if all you watch is the first 20 minutes.
dschmeding "The red cell" already gives away that it works on no budget in the amateurish title sequence. Everything seems to stutter ... and that also fits the rest of the movie. Everything basically happens in one room in which main actor Ayden wakes up trapped. He doesn't know how he got there, just remembers being in a hospital before where he was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor. Now he is in a dirty room with cardboard walls and some bloody hand prints on them... YES, CARDBOARD!! Well, luckily the implemented that in the plot and guess what, its not because it was the cheapest way of creating the cell in some basement but because its to give Ayden a false sense of hope he could escape... Yeah! The movie is slow, Ayden stumbles through his cell, some strange guy appears behind a hole in the wall and talks to him and his back story is revealed through the person behind the wall and some flashbacks in blown out lighting or desaturated with a real cheap old-film plug-in for standard editing applications.OK to put it short... a gas-masked guy appears (much reminding me of the bad guy in "Reeker") and injects Ayden with some drug. Now Ayden is either watching while he gets a needle stuck somewhere without doing anything about it, getting tortured for some strange "experiments" or walking through his cell hallucinating and seeing ghosts. The gas-masked guy tells Ayden he is some doctor and wants to help him survive... while on the other hand he tells him that he's going to die... and all that in a ridiculous "evil" voice.If you want gore... you don't get anything but a drill to the head, a guy with blood on his face and some stupid cutting of an arm with a scalpel. The basic idea is like SAW... someones trapped, tortured and trying to find out whats happening.Spoiler alert: You get a twist in the ending where Ayden dies, wakes up in a hospital and his tumor is gone... I guess they tried to go for the good ole "Its all in your head"-idea, so the whole torture thing and doctor story should represent his fight for survival I guess. Anyway that makes no sense because its never resolved why they are cutting his arm, why the ghost appearing has an eye missing and why the "doctor" is wearing a gas mask.Honesty I believe they spent as much time on the script as on continuity.. with errors like a guy being drilled through the top of his head and then waking up with bandages all around his but not the top or a gas mask zombie guy that suddenly looks pretty normal when looking through the hole in the wall I think its pretty obvious they just threw a load of crazy ideas in a pot, hoping that a that the dream story keeps the mess from falling apart. Anyway it does fall apart and there is so many bad scenes like the hospital flash backs with the doctor moving his arm like a hyperactive puppet or the idiotic flame thrower scene or production quality like muffled voices and real choppy editing that its obvious "The red cell" is on all levels a bad movie.I like small budget underground movies even with technical flaws, but they either need a fresh and consistent script or underground charm in the humor, gore or shock department. "The red cell" doesn't have any of this.

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