The Redwood Massacre

2015 "Evil Doesn't Die Easily"
3.2| 1h22m| R| en

​‘THE REDWOOD MASSACRE’ is about five adventurous friends, visiting the legendary murder site of Redwood. It has all the hallmarks of being an exciting and thrilling camping weekend away. They soon discover they’re not the only people in the mysterious location. The fun camping expedition soon turns into a nightmare as they are sadistically stalked by a mysterious unseen killer.


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Alive Productions


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Also starring Lisa Livingstone

Also starring Rebecca Wilkie


Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
a_baron If you go down to the woods today, you'll get the distinct feeling you've been to this particular one before. Redwoods grow in California, but this Redwood is not a tree, rather it is a house in the highlands of Scotland, unless American actors have peculiar accents nowadays. You guessed it, a mixed group of youngsters chased by a masked fiend. Films of this nature have also been made in Australia; doubtless they could be made in Africa, China and many other places too, but instead of exporting it to the rest of the world it would be best to admit this is a genre that has been played out one time too many and then some, and is a long way past its sell by date.As you might expect there is no real plot, although there is a legend of sorts. If it scores one point for the music and one for the special effects, two sounds too much. The ending is too stupid to comment on. If you have anything more productive to do for the rest of your life, don't watch this rubbish.
Reece Catlin For five adventurous friends, visiting the legendary murder site of the Redwood House has all the hallmarks of being an exciting and thrilling camping weekend away. A popular site for revellers and party goers, each year on the exact date of the famous local family massacre, people from around the country head out to the site to have fun and scare each other. Events take a bloody turn for the worse when the innocent campers discover the Redwood legend is in fact a horrible bloody reality, which turns the unsuspecting victims into prey for a mysterious axe wielding maniac that has remained dormant for 20 years. . .
Ash Bowen This is a complete rip off of a Psycho Holocaust (2009)!! Far too many similarities... including the prowess and demeanor of the characters. In the movie making biz, movies come from a novel, comic, re-make or old TV show... There are so very few originals out there. The last bastion of hope is to copy/steal others ideas in order to make their own. Psycho Holocaust wasn't an award winner, but it was Original based off of horror genre from the 70's/80's. And to steal it's likeness, story, character and feel of what was created is THEFT... If the idea was taken from a big budget Hollywood cut, there would be massive lawsuits. In Short, I see no reason to see this film, as I've already seen the Original!
chrismackey1972 OMG! I rooted for the badguy, even though he was stupid. However, the kids were dumber than most I've seen in horror films.Yes, this was low-budget. I have to say they had good kills, if that's your thing.Kirsty was the most annoying character. She was mean from the start and rather confrontational for no reason. When they got up the next morning and Mark and Jessica were missing, it was like a scene was missing.When the killer had three of the kids in his lair, I thought it was weird. He killed anyone else in the woods where he found them, but he decides to knock out the kids, drag them all the way back to his place for some ritualistic torture. It wasn't consistent with the other kills.If you're bored, and you want something to watch, maybe you might enjoy this. I do not recommend, because it almost put me to sleep (no joke).BTW, the people who died deserved it for their stupidity.I gave this a 4-star rating. It would've been lower, but I could tell they did try to put together a fun movie, and I think effort counts.

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