The Road

2009 "In a moment, the world changed forever."
7.2| 1h51m| R| en

A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind and water. It is cold enough to crack stones and, when the snow falls, it is gray. Their destination is the warmer south, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there.


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BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mary Doyle Thank God I never read the novel as from what I've heard it's more doom & gloom than the movie, so my review is for this film. After what appears to have been a nuclear event the world has been destroyed , left dark as the sun has been blacked out from whatever happened , the world is cold and all vegetation been wiped, earthquakes and thunder storms are every day occurrences.The story starts some 10/11 years after this disaster with a Father & son constantly moving to go South, why this need is even in the story is beyond me. They eat only a mere morsel of a dead insect daily.Through the dreams of the Dad we see some of what had happened , one memory being his wife giving birth to their son, which happened some months after the world changed. So considering all the events mentioned , how did a baby being born in this world survive and grow to an almost healthy looking child? The Mother of the child just wants to die , she can't cope and just walks away from her family some short time before the story for us starts. It is her who had deemed that going South is the place to be, maybe that is the pun of it all.Through the constant tedious rotation of getting from A to B for no other reason but to make a story , there is the threat of the other humans, this is always the threat , be it a zombie , plague or nuclear, there has to be the evil survivors, in this they are cannibals. If taking this as a realistic "story" and the good people have been living like our two protagonists, eating insects and drinking boiled but very polluted water without sieving it, nobody could survive less than 6 months let alone 10 years and the cannibals wouldn't be getting any nourishment either, because they would be eating diseased flesh, caused by malnutrition which also would have dysentery complications and other factors that would be there.During one of their long journeys which also would be impossible due to lack of energy, they find a door in the ground that has been overlooked for over a decade, climbing down into it they discover a type of fallout shelter, full of canned foods, beds, clean clothes & linen , it also has clean running water and full bathroom facilities. They fill their stomachs and amazingly never vomit, they bathe and sleep. This is where this story should have ended, but no, a few footsteps above them on the covered door spooks them so they need to move once more.This story is ridiculous, boring and an unending search for something at the end of an never ending road of rinse and repeat.
grilices It took me almost ten years to watch "The Road", but today was finally the day that I watched this movie. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. I only knew that it was in an post-apocalyptic future. So, since I actually really like Viggo Mortensen, I decided to open my heart to this movie. And I must say it: it is amazing. Most of the movies (and TV series) that show post-apocalyptic scenarios have zombies... So, that's our main idea when we think about the "end of the world". But this movie only shows what happened to nature and to people - obviously without zombies. Everyone in this movie is trying to survive at his own way. Some became bad people, but others are still humans. In the end, even after realizing that this apocalyptic scenario may never happen, I cried. Because the characters and their relations are so real...
slamnati-jeti One of the best movies i ever seen. Maybe becouse i cancorrelate as father. What would i do in same conditions? Would i choose path of mother or father?? Would i loose hope or would i try to survive to protect my children and how far would i go to survive? why to ask that questions? Becouse this story is very probable!In the movie we neversee what happend and we dont see spetactular explosions, movie tells a human side at catastophic event. There is no "big"speaches in it (like Few good men), jut avarage man struggling to survive. And Viggo did that job excelent!
stanezabot The Road was literally one of the worst movies I ever saw. It's very dark and depressing and I couldnt enjoy watching it.The end was strange and meaningless.