The Russian Specialist

2005 "They took his family. Now he's out for revenge."
5.5| 1h34m| R| en

A Russian ex-hit man is called back to Russia for one last job. This time against his former employees, the Russian mob.


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Also starring Ivan Petrushinov


GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
callanvass Nikolai Cherenko's family is killed in a gunfight by a drug-lord, "Sasha Popov" He stays away for a while and starts working as a mechanic. When he is offered a bunch of money to rescue somebody's daughter, Nikolai jumps at the chance when he learns Sasha is involved. This is another STV dud from Lundgren. The storyline is actually interesting, but it's executed poorly and I was pretty bored for a lot of the duration. There is action, but not nearly enough of it. It's dreary and cheap looking as well. Dolph actually plays a pretty badass character. He excels at anti-heroes, but will somebody please give him a decent script? I only recommend this to die-hard Dolph fans3.5/10
italian_angel_82 Action superstar Dolph Lundgren directs and stars in this explosive and fast-paced action-thriller as a retired Special Forces soldier on a mission of revenge.The Russian Specialist is terrific and surprisingly intense, it makes you wonder, how did Dolph managed to make such a low budget movie look like a high class movie with a big budget.Dolph makes the violence in this movie realistic, you will hear bones crack, necks snap and bullets fly causing damage to whatever it hits. Dolph as a great vision as a director and captures the scenes very well in the movie. The locations are very well chosen for the movie and the scenery is breathtaking, especially the overhead shoots throughout the movie.The cast for this movie is the best i have ever seen in a low budget movie, everyone plays out their role nicely done, Ben Cross does an amazing job with his character and Dolph does a great performance as a very well believable Russian character. This movies belongs on the A-list of movies and deserved a chance in a theatrical release.
Buck Forris I've never been much of a Lundgren fan, with my preferred viewing being Norris and Seagal, with also Van Damme too. But to my surprise, during a DTV rampage of these guys (The Hard Corps, Shadow Man and also the Cutter too) Dolph's film the Mechanik was by a long, long, way the best of the bunch. I've fallen by the wayside a little in recent years, and haven't kept up to much with the action boys, but when your in the mood, your in the mood. Anyway The Mechanik was fantastic. It's a simple storyline, and a simply delivered film, but it promises something, and delivers. The result is a violent, dirty and damn fun action movie. It's a great little regression to 70's and 80's action films. I also understand it was shot on a fraciton of the budgets of Chuck's, Stevens and Jean Claudes, movies and still manages to look the most expensive too.Lundgren too gives a solid performance and looks in great shape. In fact dare I say it the other guys like either old, tired or overweight (all three in Seagal's case). Lundgren looks fresh and in great shape. Ben Cross was really good. That guy should have been a bigger star, a really good actor if anyone's seen his earlier work.On the negative side, the girl in the movie seems little more than a pointless inclusion to aid the bloodshed, and the bad guy is a little too "hey look at me I'm the bad guy!" After all though, it's expected from this sort of film so it's not a big problem. I also wasn't too sure what was with all the dissolves either, but on the most part this film is directed with assurance and a great sense of pace, and of course directed by Dolph himself! This film really acts as a showcase for Dolph Lundgren. It's the Dolph show, and it's a good show. It brought back fond memories of cool Peckinpah movies. Good work Dolph!
Autlan His family killed dead by the Mafia in a drug deal gone bad, Dolph returns to Russia from a stateside sabbatical to finish the job he failed six years earlier. With the added goal of rescuing a pimped Americenne as moral ammunition.The acting leaves you expecting a sudden plot twist where it's revealed you were duped and you are watching a cheap porno. While the whole time you're wondering what kind of sicko gives a bunch of Russian kids guns and tells them to watch Dolph's back. Naturally they pass the Mechanik's pop sweep test, but as time passes and bullets bounce through him into his comrades it's apparent they won't last the journey.Fortunately for progression's sake the Mafioso had the sense to read the script the night before. While the good guys favour plenty of pit stops to slow their escape in a clapped-out van the bad guys take a laid-back approach arriving comfortably in stylish executive saloons. Interrogating discarded support actors until the general direction of the next set is revealed.The showdown redefines the term 'tactical weapons' with bullet-strider Dolph picking an over and under shotgun to irritate the opposition into submission while his rag-tag troupe make every attempt to get themselves shot. In a moment of climactic tension the drop off driver reverses a front-wheel drive into a shallow ditch and is righteously executed for his lack of skills. Giddy from the acquisition of a suitcase full of dollars the boss trips headfirst into hostage soup. Dolph fishes him out only to put him back with both barrels.Thankfully, after a brief tear-jerking mother daughter reunion you can switch off, go to sleep and repress all that trauma.

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