The Sandman

1995 "A tale of suspense from the creator of THE DEAD NEXT DOOR and OZONE"
3.4| 1h30m| NR| en

Gary is a trailer park romance novelist who can't seem to sleep at night. He also thinks that he saw a monster assaulting his girlfriend while she was sleeping. People is his trailer park begin to die in their sleep. Soon, Gary's friends begin to think that he has gone crazy with all his ranting and raving and that all he needs is a good night's sleep. Gary is afraid to sleep...


Producted By

Suburban Tempe Company


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Paul Magne Haakonsen There is really just a single Word required to describe this movie, and that one word is: wow! "The Sandman" is bad in every possible aspect, spanning from the poor acting to the storyline. The movie is so amazingly slow paced and nothing even remotely interesting ever happened. I ended up quitting halfway through the torment that is "The Sandman". I just couldn't endure anymore of it.The actors and actresses in the movie were either overacting to the point of becoming ridiculous and where even Jeremy Irons would say 'tone it down a bit', or they were simply performing as if they themselves didn't buy into the movie project.As for the creature itself, the sandman, well just a single word is necessary again to describe it. And that word is: LOL. The creature was so ridiculous and anything but scary that it was almost embarrassing to witness.I will never return to finish "The Sandman". It just had no appeal on any level and it was nowhere near entertaining at all. You should stay well clear of this movie by all means, because it is not worth the time, money or effort.
movieman_kev Gary, a rather bad dime-store romance novelist, soon after watching a sensationalist tabloid news show about the recent rash of people that have been dying in their sleep, is worried about his girlfriend who is having trouble sleeping (he's an insomniac himself) So when his war veteran neighbor tells him about the Sandman he's frightened (not by the vet's story, more his demeanor) add to this the fact that Gary's worthless leech of a cousin has just moved in to his trailer. It's no wonder he's on edge. When he starts seeing the Sandman everyone think he's going first.The pacing of this movie is so extremely slow that it desperately needed a great story to make up for it. Sad to say, the plot is supremely sub-par as well. I quite enjoyed the director's previous "the Dead Next Door" film, however this one is a stinker, and included way too much filler. The filler being so very bad (time spent on Gary's 'kooky' neighbors and a rather idiotic talk show being the chief offenders) To further compound my misery there wasn't any gore, nor nudity to attempt to liven the preceding up.My Grade: D-
Claudio Carvalho Gary is a guy who lives in a trailer and he is trying to be a writer. His girlfriend Maris works as a waitress and wants him to have a real job. Gary receives Ozzy, a relative `self- guest' in his trailer (by the way, this character has nothing to do with any plot along the story. Maybe he has lent some money for the `production' of this amateurish movie and required to participate somehow in the story). His best friend is Bud and his neighbor is a neurotic veteran from Vietnam. Gary realizes that persons in his community are being killed by The Sandman. This film is almost as bad as `Troll 2' and `Satanic Attraction': amateurish cast and direction, poor effects and locations. The greatest work on me is that Sandman made me sleep at least four times along the story and I, instead of going to the bed, used the `rewind bottom' to watch the missing parts. However, the screenplay with improvement, actors, actresses and director could be the basis for a reasonable movie. My vote is two.
Snake Plisken This was the first film I watched from Tempe (at the time, I ordered two others with it), and wasn't really impressed.The photography is fine, but the story takes too long to go anywhere, and the music (guitar twangs) kind of repetitious. You have to respect any indie that gives a flick this much of a polished look (nice dolly shots, opening credits montage over the trailer park), but something felt missing. Maybe action (definately not fog - where is this trailer park - England?).The story deals with folks in a small town where the residents all have a terrible habit of dying in their sleep. The locals in a trailer park start to think a supernatural force...a sandman (with glowing eyes resembling computer-superimposed Christmas lights), is behind it.Good effort. Mediocre (at best) results. Great packaging.