The Secret

2006 "The secret has traveled through centuries to reach you"
5.5| 1h30m| en

Interviews with leading authors, philosophers and scientists, with an in-depth discussion of the Law of Attraction. The audience is shown how they can learn and use 'The Secret' in their everyday lives.


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Also starring Bob Boyle


ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Nelson Strang What utter bilgewater. Patently designed to hoodwink those with absolutely no self-esteem. Reprehensible filmmaking. They should be ashamed of themselves. Avoid.
blueluna-04138 I thought the idea of this concept was good, and there is an element of truth. But only an element. The fact of the matter is there are positive and negative experiences that people face. To believe you caused every health issue, every broken heart, etc. Is not only wrong but is actually quite destructive. Is a happier person healthy? Or what about when they are cured.... Are they all of a sudden happy people? Is a sick child that way because they are unhappy? If you really dig into it you can see the lies.That being said I do believe in faith and that prayer leads to positive outcomes. That's not the type of faith in the movie though. In the movie you get what you ask for no matter how horrible bc you are emitting that frequency to the universe. In a faith based religion you are simply trusting that a greater being is keeping watch over you. It does not rely on you really except that obviously you need to at least be trying. For example you can't win the lottery if you never buy a ticket. That's just common sense.There are many, many things that I've asked for it and received it. Some just happened randomly, most I worked hard to receive. There are also negative things that I did not ask for and received. So I I take the positive and negative experiences which shape my overall being..whether that be good or bad. Still we exist of outside of these experiences. Like a dream, we are a part of it but also not a part of it.So that would really be my "secret" for life. Be goal oriented, but live in the moment. Don't let experiences define you, but believe in a higher being.
nikcone Some reviewers tried to make a show out of their "knowledge" of psychology, but they totally missed the point of this film, and this concept, in doing so. Not to mention the fact that they are arrogant enough to think they know something no one else does- how energy and the universe work. I highly doubt anyone sitting around writing movie reviews on IMDb was given any sort of glimpse into the inner workings of the universe, so please ignore their cynicism. It does nothing to help and will only hinder those truly truly trying to better their lives.Saying that "positive thinking is good for starting a venue, but..." already sets you up to sound small-minded and cynical. There is absolutely nothing you can say to negate the fact that this practice of believing in yourself and using positive thinking to gain success has no down side whatsoever.Not to mention there are thousands of stories from people all over the world, including many multiple lottery winners (I believe one person had won over 10,000 dollars each win, of which they had 7 or 8), who use this strategy every day in their lives. I can say that I have used this process and have seen tremendous success with it myself.Bottom line, it works for those who believe it will work. If you are cynical and egotistical and wish to bring other people down to "reality" (which, by the way is only one person's reality and is usually built on negativity if this is their stance) by throwing out misunderstood psychological data and "big" words to make themselves seem too "educated" to believe such nonsense. The fact is that these people have almost certainly tried it themselves or they're scared of success, which is a common reason for people to knock this movie or this concept. This film gives a great baseline for which to build this practice into your life, although many are left with questions as to how to get around certain roadblocks and how to ask the "right way", etc. There are books out there that go into more depth as far as step-by-step descriptions. This is more of the jump start to inspire you and get you interested in practicing this way of life. I tell everyone I know to watch this film or read the book and start implementing this practice. There is absolutely no downside and you have everything to gain by doing it. There are no limitations and no reasons to put it off. It works,period. I don't know how, but I know that it does. Don't let those Negative Nancies we all know, who love to try to knock down the light they see in others, talk you into believing you are foolish to even contemplate this idea as being factual. Their opinions don't have to be true for you and they aren't based on facts any more than anyone else's opinions anyway. Give it your best shot and watch it change your life for the better!!
arindambanerjee11 First, what is The Law of Attraction (TLoA)? Let's say you're poor and really want to be rich. Instead of always complaining about being poor and always focusing on what you don't have, TLoA says that you should visualize yourself as rich. See yourself in this situation. Feel what you would feel if you were in that situation. Then, somehow, money will come to you.Simply stated, it is the belief that what you focus on is what you get (or create for yourself), and there is some truth to that – but not for any of the mystical reasons claimed in this terrible movie. The movie indicates that a number of famous people knew "the secret", including Einstein, Plato, Newton and Edison. However, the movie offers no proof that any of these people knew of, agreed with or used the law of attraction.The movie also claims that the people in power in society and business have long known of this law and worked to keep it from the rest of us. Scenes are shown of people being persecuted for trying to steal the secret and (I assume) bring it out to the rest of us.No proof of this is offered and to the best of my knowledge, no conscious effort has ever been made to keep TLoA secret. But this is my point: Changing your thinking changes nothing out there, in the vast universe surrounding you. It changes something inside of you. Changing your perception, your focus, your emotions and your thinking from negative to positive (from what you lack to what you want) has an enormous effect on your motivation, energy and creativity and that's why you will then be more efficient working towards your goals. It's that simple.No electromagnetic waves emanate from your head, magically transforming the universe. No mystical vibrations affect your surroundings. Changing your thinking does not change the quantum states of objects around you in any reliable, useful way. The universe doesn't stand ready to grant your every wish.Rather, you change yourself and THEN you change your circumstances. It works through a combination of entirely non-mystical, psychological and rational mechanisms, including confirmation bias, positive thinking and optimism.