The Secret

2006 "The secret has traveled through centuries to reach you"
5.5| 1h30m| en

Interviews with leading authors, philosophers and scientists, with an in-depth discussion of the Law of Attraction. The audience is shown how they can learn and use 'The Secret' in their everyday lives.


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Also starring Joe Vitale

Also starring Bob Boyle


Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
samvelgasparyan Whoever doesn't know anything about Law of Attraction I feel sorry for you. After watching this movie, I started reading all the books, The Secret, The magic, the Power and Hero. Law of attraction actually transformed my life into something I never could imagine. It's so legit, first you'll have self doubts but slowly when you actually start truly understand it, it will transform your life. This is not bull. I truly feel like it's incredible, every morning I wake up and I'm reading one of the books. If you watched the movie and you like it try the books and you will fall in love. After months of trying to convince my little brother to start reading the books and law of attraction will change your life, he finally listened to me and slowly his getting mind F ed because how insanely beautiful Law of attraction is. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND READ THE BOOK OR AT LEAST WATCH THE MOVIE. I never been happier and more graitful in my life.
craigast The proof is in the pudding, the negative reviews about this movie are exactly what its highlighting. "Victim blaming" blah blah blah. You are what you think and people miss the the fundamental basic, there is no attraction without action. It seems people didn't bother taking on board the message and just decided to write some bile because it didn't make them rich over night. Entitled behaviour isn't going to get you anywhere in life.Honestly I felt my brain cells dying reading some of these reviews. How people couldn't grasp the concept is mind boggling. Yet a load more people who don't "get it" so dismiss it. Fine. Stay on your keyboards, warriors.If you've read the book and now see this, put it into practice. Dont befall to the whining and bitterness and negative thoughts. The people interviewed have all found the real formula and you can too. Life is what you make it and this film will set you on a simple starting point to expand.People are looking for something that doesn't exist in the film. The wrong thing too. Join a community of uplifting if you need more help expanding your mind and life.
bjosh-04266 This was well done but smelled of a hidden agenda. I was always waiting to hear that "The secret" would ultimately be linked to one's "relationship to a Christian God." To the crew's credit they did not overtly claim that your happiness had to be through their "God" but, particularly toward the end of the movie, there was a significant uptick in the mention of "God." The contributors also repeatedly referred to the need "for absolute faith," and the need to have "complete blind faith." Using the Cosmos and Universe as a simile to segue into religiosity is coming more and more common with evangelicals. I REALLY didn't like that fact that EVERY SINGLE contributor interviewed on camera linked happiness to materialism. EVERYONE of them talked of happiness as a new car, a bigger home, making a million dollars, etc. In fact most of the interviewees, talked about their material gains as the source of their attraction and happiness. It's pretty sad when not one contributor (NOT ONE) talks about less materialistic, and less selfish things like reducing crime, poverty, a source of happiness, attraction, and attainment.Lastly, after one hour I found myself wondering if the movie would ever move on. What I mean by this, and is repeated in previous reviews, is that it goes on ad nauseum about "the secret." What is said in the first 15 minutes of the film, is repeated over, and over, and over, and over, for the next hour plus. They just rephrased the verbiage.This was obviously a sermon being preached to the viewer but just less obvious. Insidious at best.
drewsky6 As soon as the first guy starts speaking, it becomes apparent that this is just an elaborate infomercial. I'm not denying the power of positive thinking, but it's offensive to suggest that people in truly horrible conditions (jews in concentration camps, starving kids in Africa) could/can just think their way out of those conditions. I mean, who the frig do these people think they are? Well, they're authors...they all have books and products to sell. They all have well-groomed smiles on their faces to show you that they are living with the secret and are happy and prosperous and what not, but they come off as superficial, disingenuous and quite cheesy. It honestly makes me mad just thinking about it, so I'm just gonna change the way I'm thinking right now and use the "secret" to end this review.