The Sighting

2016 "Will you believe what you see?"
3.7| 1h38m| en

A terrifying psychological thriller set near the beautiful landscape of Glacier National Park, Montana. Two high school friends, Travis and Nate, are on a road trip to Canada when they're attacked by mysterious and vicious creatures. Nate is stolen into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him back. Travis recruits Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against these monsters in an effort to retrieve Nate.


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BadFritter Films


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Also starring Kent Harper


Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Manwhofell Been reading IMDb reviews for years, but this is the First review I've done. No spoilers here, just an opinion. I saw a number of reviews giving praise to this movie, so thought I'd give it a go. Not nearly as good as I thought it would be, or even could be. But it really wasn't a trainwreck either. Not sorry I watched it, I mean The first half hour or so actually had my stomach kinda knotting up with tension, but then...... Interesting take on Bigfoot, but it kinda fell flat, for me anyway.It was done well, but it just seems to have missed the mark of reaching what could have been a very good film. Acting was definitely not A-list grade, pacing was okay,atmosphere was there, tension and fear were absolutely there for the first half-hour. All in all, not a bad trip to take on a Saturday night.
MR-Katt I did the big mistake and rented this movie after reading some reviews describing this movie as one of the best horror/thriller ever made well it was one of the best trash/waste of time movies that was ever made this movie suffer from a lot like the bad acting / cheesy dialogues i don't even know why it was listed as horror/thriller , if they mean the one shot where some guys dressing as gorillas standing in shadows well it won't scare even my little kitty ,and what about thrill ??? if they mean the plot ? we already saw tens of movies with similar plot nothing new here , no thrill at all . why this movie has high rating , why there is many good reviews about it? i don't know , but i know one thing that this movie was a complete waste of time , avoid it at all costs . Awful .
cartoondepot OK, I just ejected the DVD, and I'm just gonna start writing some thoughts.Wow.Good job, Badfritter films. Lots of good things about what could have been a terrible movie. Somehow you managed to avoid a load of opportunities to screw it up! It doesn't give anything away to say I like the ending. If it turned out the way I suspected, I was gonna be disappointed. But you went a little further, and muddied that tidy ending up. Good move. I think the average joe will have different opinions as to what really happened. That's good. You want people to ponder after the film, so thoughts linger. You find yourself wanting to go back and look at the film again for hidden clues.Also, you used techniques of the older classic horror movies that work. It made me think of the classic 1950's horror film, THE THING, which never clearly showed the monster, to GREAT effect. You probably know that movie? The trick is to not show enough of the creature to make viewers go, "What cheap special effects." , but you DO show enough of the creature to ignite the imagination and let the viewer fill in the blanks, which makes for much more effective psychological horror. And that's exactly what you did. Another good decision. The problem with modern horror is that there's no mystery anymore, with excellent special effects that show every detail. You wisely avoided that.Do I have any critical thoughts?.....Well, the opening sequence is very misleading. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not. It's full of partying teenagers, etc and the first thing that went through my head was, "Oh, this is gonna be one of those movies where there's hints of teen sex, that get interrupted by slashing until all the characters are dead. Great, another one of those predictable movies." I was so relieved when the movie moved away from that. As soon as the 2 guys were on the road, the movie changed, and it was a different film altogether. It's good that happens early in the movie, because as a film rental, you might lose people before the movie gets going, and they might pop the thing out and not watch it all. But it changes from teen-slasher -film so early that it still keeps you in, and interested. (Yes, there's gratuitous gore here and there, but you didn't over-do it, or under-do it. I don't like gore films, but I can take it.) The main guy who plays Travis is a good actor, and the other dude that plays his friend does fine as well. He's a little annoying, as he should be. The guy who plays the Sasquatch crypto expert is VERY good. It's his behavior that I studied for clues as to what really happened.As an artist, I also liked the fact that Travis was nervously sketching and writing in his journal all the time, and surrounded by art in his room. Also, the chalkboard art depicting the history of Sasquatch was very good. Art and writing is a big factor of the main character in this film. Scary!
Jonna Bell This is one of those movies that finds you curled against the back of your sofa, alternately peaking through your fingers and pointing at the screen.For their first major foray, the BadFritters have proved there's much more to their work than just hopes and dreams. Paper Dolls reflects a subtle, strong talent that's solidifying in the BadFritter team. (See previous film Roulette.) Combining acting, scriptwriting, directing and producing, (yes, if you read the credits, they did them all) the team balances and merges with impressive savvy and subtlety. With Paper Dolls they created a horror film that takes us back to the days when horror films were... just that... but also brought a refreshing depth to the familiar, making us scream our pants off with glee while wondering if it isn't just all in our head.