The Slaughter of the Vampires

5| 1h18m| en

On their wedding night, a newlywed couple find themselves menaced by a bloodthirsty vampire.


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StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Rainey Dawn The Vampire and his bride were on the run from the villagers when the bride was caught and staked. Now The Vampire is in search of a new bride. Wolfgang and his wife, Louise, acquire a castle and move in. Now The Vampire has his eyes on Louise and wants to make her his new bride.If you like the story of Dracula, then it's possible you will like this Italian Gothic chiller. Louise and Wolfgang are much like Mina and Jonathan Harker, while Dr. Nietzsche is sorta a Dr. Van Helsing character. Carine is like Lucy and The Vampire, of course, is like Dracula.I didn't have a problem with the dubbing from Italian into English - the copy I watched was fine. It's beautifully filmed, one of the best Italian films I've ever seen. The movie is written well -- just a revamping of the classic story of Dracula - and it's well acted out as too.I really enjoyed this film - and I do recommend it to Vampire fans and for those that love Classic Gothic Horror.8.5/10
Jeffrey Skinner This isn't a bad of a movie like the Reviews above/below said it was. The Dubbness wasn't awesome (but i was ready for it dued to the low budget of this film). The film's music score was pretty good for a Low Budgetter, the vampire (whoever he was) was very seductive, kinda like a "Italian Christopher Lee". It's a very tragic, and sadden story about a Count and his newly married countess bride is tormented by a vampire in 1600 Italy, Wolfgang (the count) calls upon a Doctor Nietzsche . Doctor Nietzsche is the Van Helsing role of the film, who wasn't unusually not that bad for a amateur actor. So my overall view of "Slaughter of the Vampires is a ******** out of 10.
goblinhairedguy Here's a "full-blooded", old-fashioned (some might say out-dated), baroque Italian vampire opus which deserves a better reputation than it's achieved. Although Hammer Studios merits credit for re-popularizing the moribund Gothic horror genre in the early 60s, the contemporaneous Latin (Italian, Spanish and Mexican) efforts usually evoke a more authentically Romantic and decadent atmosphere. This one features overwhelmingly ornate sets; voluptuous ingenues with inviting dark eyes and heaving bosoms; high-collared, flouncy-vested Don Juans; absurdly stilted dialogue; and a lush, intrusive score full of piano glissandos, piercing oboes, and even a theremin during the vampire seductions. The deliberate pacing serves to intensify the well-timed shocks, there are some clever camera set-ups, and fine shadowy photography (particularly during the dungeon-set climax). Fans of fast-paced, violent, revisionist horror will think it a dinosaur, but connoisseurs should find it greatly satisfying.
LJ27 WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD: I have a weakness for European low-budget horror films from the 1960s so I watched this film wanting very much to find some good in it. Unfortunately, my attempt was in vain. Walter Brandi (spelled "Brandy" in the credits) plays the vampire (or one of them). He had been in a movie before this called THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA where he sported a cool make-up job. Well, he has no such cool make-up job in this film. In fact, there's not much of anything cool in this film. The music score is nothing special. The B&W photography isn't that great and neither are the sets. It's mostly a bunch of un- interesting people sitting around talking for the greater part of it's running time. WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER AHEAD:At the end, the vampire is staked and disintegrates. Sound cool? Don't bet on it. If you want cool disintegration scenes, see FRIGHT NIGHT (1985) or HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) or THE EVIL DEAD (1982). If you want to see a disintegration scene handled poorly, watch as the filmmakers dissolve from Walter Brandi to a series of drawings of withered heads then a skull then nothing. Also, the drawings move about in relation to one another with each dissolve. I made a better disintegration scene as a kid with a Super 8 camera and some modelling clay. After seeing this, I understand why it isn't even mentioned in most books about horror films.