The Source Family

2013 "God Has A Rock Band"
6.8| 1h38m| NR| en

A feature documentary film set in Hollywood, examining a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. The Source Family were the darlings of the Sunset Strip until their communal living, outsider ideals and spiritual leader Father Yod's 13 wives became an issue with local authorities. They fled to Hawaii, leading to their dramatic demise.


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Also starring Father Yod


Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Logan Dodd There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
jokkus It is only near the end of the film that you realize that its whole orientation is bizarrely supportive and even advocating in favor of one of the most well-known cult of the 70's. This movie is about a despicable crazed man, as poisonous and manipulative as most cult leaders, and at no point during the movie filled with a soundtrack of the trashy and unbearable hippie music the cult "produced" will a strong catharsis critique be heard against the pathetic group of young and beautiful brainless lost children lead by a middle-ages ex-convict who calls himself nothing less than "God".
paumarcus The reviewers so far are commenting on their opinion of the SUBJECT of the film, not the filmmaking. The job of the filmmakers is to get a reaction and experience the subject - good, bad or indifferent.This is a terrific documentary. I have rarely seen a doc that has been so well researched and has so much archival material. Plus they have tracked down all these folks who were originally part of this crazy, cultural experiment. Amazing story. As a cultural document is so strong, but with the addition of all the insider participation it transforms itself into a one-of-a-kind experience. One of the best of the recent Americana docs. - thanks.
Laura Garon I joined The Source Family in 1970 and remained for the duration of the experience, so I feel that my review of this documentary holds some merit. I feel the filmmakers tried to present our story as honestly as they could given their limited understanding of it, especially since the pool of people interviewed were limited in scope by distance & proximity to where the actual interviews were done. The first time that I watched the documentary, it brought back a flood of memories for me from forty years ago and was somewhat unsettling and disquieting; although after watching it a few more times it began to feel less of an intrusion on my senses. And although my son's father was featured at the very end during the credit roll performing his song Woman Beyond The Sun, but did not receive even one credit for either his song or his performance; as well as credit for his song Every Morning being given to Ahom/Robin Baker because she had recorded it....those omissions aside, I felt it was a job very well done considering the source.
MartinHafer This is a documentary about the so-called 'Source Family'--a cult built around an odd guru in California. This man, who renamed himself 'Father Yod', slowly took the group from one that saw him as a great spiritual leader to a god-like being who should be obeyed without question. This is actually pretty typical of many of the cults of the era but what makes this one a little confusing is the ending. Now, many years later, his followers are interviewed--and some sound as if they STILL think he was god, some see him as flawed but a good part of their lives and a few see him as a huckster--though this seems like the minority. So, if you are looking for clear answers, this isn't what you'll find. Instead, it's a film that you watch and make of it what you will. As for me, I found it mildly interesting but nothing more. In fact, I got far less out of it than "Commune"--a similar sort of documentary that was made very interesting due to folks' insights into their group today.