Let's be realistic.
disgusting, overrated, pointless
Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
I had not laughed so hard in ages, probably never as much. The movements in this movie cracked me up. The sound effects are great, the acting is hopeless, I loved it. This is definitely one of the places Quentin Tarantino came looking for the creation of Kill Bill. Not only the fighting, but there is a sex scene like no other I have ever seen in a movie, I laughed so hard. Just when you can't believe how funny it is, it gets way funnier, so much so it hurts. One of the greatest experiences of my life. Ninja movies need not be your cup of tea to enjoy this. I definitely recommend. Very satisfying, makes you forget about the troubles of the day, a real treat.
Brace yourself, for this is undoubtedly one of the very best and most entertaining ninja-fests ever made! This movie has it all - dubbing that seems to be perpetually about 2 seconds out of sync with the characters flapping mouths, one of, if not THE most un-erotic lovemaking scene ever committed to celluloid, a ninja surfing on a piece of bamboo(!!!) a soundtrack that liberally borrows i.e steals snippets from other movie scores such as Psycho and Star Wars and some really nifty martial arts action to boot! Simply put, if you're at all into ninja movies or for that matter B-Movies in general, then you really NEED to see this - it's a veritable classic!
Super Ninja is a ninja extravaganza that is one of my favorite ninja movies. This ninja movie is extremely cheap and has awful acting, very laughable dialogue, and dubbing so horrible many viewers will never be the same afterwards. On the other hand the movie is fast paced so you don't get bored, the plot although simplistic gives context to really cool ninja fight scenes that are surprisingly top notch.Alexander Lou who also kicks serious ass in Mafia vs. Ninja plays John, a tough ninja cop working in the USA with his partner who is a stereotypical jive talking black man named spencer. While investigating criminals who are in league with ninjas John and Spencer experience harassment from their evil caucasian police chief and the other racist caucasian police who decide to frame John because he was interfering with police/mafia business deals. John is put in a cell and is tortured by the racist police and has flashbacks to his brutal ninja training until he escapes by beating the s*** out of all the honkey ass yahoo police in a head on action packed escape scene. John although a fugitive still is determined to crack the case of the Five element Ninjas who all specialize in specific ninja tactics. Spencer helps John kick ass *SPOILER START* until spencer sells out John to get money so he can fit into "the white man's world" *SPOILER END* John is outnumbered but he is an indestructable Super Ninja hence the title of the film. He proves this by fighting all five of the five element ninjas who are extremely deadly even to John. The best is at the end when John dresses up in his white ninja uniform, equips himself with a bunch of awesome ninja tools and infiltrates the Ninja mansion estate killing everyone in his path.If you watch a lot of kung fu like me you will be surprised at how good the fighting is in this incredibly cheap movie and as long as you can embrace unintentional hillarity in pathetic acting, dubbing, effects, sets, dialogue, and race related politics (chinese good everyone else bad) this is the perfect movie to watch with like minded people. If you liked the pathetic and hillarious Mafia vs. Ninja you will find Super Ninja similarily awesome without any doubt!! buy it or rent it today!!
But probably not intentionally so.The fighting is outrageous. Well choreographed usually, but sped up ridiculously, with the occasional completely inexplicable effect shot thrown in the middle. It looked like a high school student film. But in a good way.Oh, and the racial politics in this film will stun you. The white guy villain is hilariously over-the-top, and his dialogue (not to mention his bizarre pawing of the lead's girlfriend) will leave you scratching your head and laughing, possibly at the same time.Still, the best part of this kung fu masterpiece was the dubbing. It all sounded like it was dubbed by one or two guys. The dubbing of the black sidekick was priceless! It completely failed to sound like the man playing the part.Worth a watch for all the laughs. Not a great film, not even a good one, but a funny one!