The Tale

2018 "Our past is always present"
7.2| 1h55m| R| en

An investigation into one woman’s memory as she‘s forced to re-examine her first sexual relationship and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive.


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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
PlatinumRead Just bad
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
mathomas-28053 This is a masterpiece. Jennifer Fox is a genius. Writing and directing? Amazing. And, apparently, she actually wrote the story at age 13 that this movie is based on. Wow. The directing is so subtle, the mixture of past and present, the interaction of the characters, the woman and her mother. Stellar performances by all. P.S. The subject matter, sexual abuse of a minor, is not everyone's cup of tea. If you're offended by it, or don't think it's important enough to have its own movie, don't watch "The Tale." I wasn't familiar with it until I became a therapist, but now I know it occurs and is a devastating and life-altering experience. This movie handles it fantastically. But if you don't want to see a film about it, don't watch this movie. Jennifer Fox, you are brilliant. Please keep going. Have you got another one of these for us?
adamantema Very repetitive and messy plot. some sentences are repeated over and over. very slow pace and there isn't anything really surprising or that makes you think "wow! what a story, or what a great film", too many cliches and things heard and seen HUNDREDS of times. If you read the synopsis, you already know pretty much everything.
namashi_1 Some True-Stories demand to be told, despite their heartbreaking, heart-wrenching reality and 'The Tale' is among those films. This Stunning film registers a sledgehammer impact & the exquisite Laura Dern delivers a performance of pure force. 'The Tale' is an investigation into one woman's memory as she is forced to re-examine her first sexual relationship and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive.'The Tale' is a true-story & what you see here, is something so disturbing, that it will leave you shaken. Pedophilia is a serious crime & Pedophiles are among the most brutal creatures out there, who are out to harm, manipulate & destroy the lives of children living in our society. Written and Directed by Jennifer Fox, 'The Tale' is Fox's true life-story on the sexual abuse she faced during her childhood & her life beyond. Fox is a brave, gutsy woman, who's made a film of her own horrors & has presented us a story that's disturbing as well as powerful. Here's a woman who's courage needs to be witnessed, spoken & shown. We can no longer let these beasts abuse the underage. Enough!'The Tale' is also packed with stunning performances, led by the magnificent Laura Dern. Dern, One Of The Finest Actresses of All-Times, portrays Jennifer Fox with sheer heart, mind & soul. Its a performance built in force & executed in exuberance. Dern is a force of nature & 'The Tale' Salutes talent to the maximum. Isabelle Nélisse, as the younger Jennifer Fox, is extraordinary. Of the supporting cast, The Legendary Ellen Burstyn does a wonderful job as Fox's Mother, who must accept what has been happened & yet not lose her conscience. Jason Ritter portrays the evil pedophile, astonishingly. His performance is as real as it can get. Elizabeth Debicki does an excellent job as Fox's childhood idol, who has much more to say & do, than it seems. Frances Conroy portrays Debicki's older version with command. The Late/Great John Heard, as the older Ritter, is beyond perfection in a brief appearance.On the whole, 'The Tale' is a true-story that needs to be seen, for its courage & the horror that happened. Don't Miss It. And to the courageous Jennifer Fox...Salute!
stevejwacfield It's hard to imagine a better telling of such a necessary story. It's so real you can almost hear the anguished heartbeat leaping from the page, the breath, the gasps of reality when truths are revealed. The writing is exceptional, so too the directing, and matched with magnificent acting. Laura Dern is a revelation. Or should I say, she is finally getting the credit she deserves after Enlightened and Big Little Lies, what she brought to The Last Jedi. Her acting is organic and mesmerizing to the point where you're watching her every move, feeling her every emotion. However, it can not be stated enough that it is the sheer importance of this exquisite telling of a tale of abuse, that resonates above all else. Should definitely be considered for when award season comes around. Quite simply, brilliant.