The Ten

2007 "If He'd meant the commandments literally, He'd have written them in stone."
4.9| 1h36m| R| en

Ten stories, each inspired by one of the ten commandments.


Producted By

City Lights Pictures


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Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
SnoopyStyle This movie has Jeff Reigert (Paul Rudd) introducing ten stories, each one corresponds to one of the Ten Commandments. Each one is like an extended sketch from a comedy show. I find most of them just run on and on.With all the top rate acting talents, the most important people are the writing team of Ken Marino and David Wain. Their humor is wildly inappropriate and deliberately so. They don't always do it for me. A lot of times, I find they do ridiculous for ridiculous' sake. I like them when they anchor their stories more in reality. That's not the case in this movie. This is mostly unfunny as they flail away with one over the top concept after another. I did smirk a few times.
robertllr Too bad I could only give this flick a 9. It could have been a 10; but there were a two somewhat lame stories, and the first episode is only so-so. But he rest were brilliant. This comedy doesn't do anything that hasn't been done before. It's very much in the vein of the earlier, zanier Woody Allen films like "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex," and many of the better Zucker/Abrahams stuff, like "Top Secret" or "Airplane." Which is to say, the main humor comes from parodying movie genres, film techniques, and tired romantic plots. It's a pure delight to see these things yanked apart and roasted to well done.What's particularly nice about "The Ten", though is its excellent cast who, with inspired direction and writing, can get deep into the material they are satirizing. The clever way the stories get (loosely) tied together is also nice.Using the ten commandments as a frame, is a very tenuous hook. Though the frame itself, with its narrator adds something to the mix--a sort of story around the stories, so to speak. But don't expect any religious commentary or even irreverence. (Well, maybe a little irreverence. Jesus Christ as a Mexican lothario might be somewhat--no make that very--offensive to some people. Indeed I suspect the low ratings here on IMDb come mostly from people so tied to their sacred cows, be they philosophical or aesthetic, that all they can see is the crudeness that sometimes surrounds the humor, and don't get any of the sophisticated irony.) In the end, then, the link to any specific commandment is more a quick throwaway line than anything structural or moralistic. Which is part of the strength here: there is no attempt to delve into the commandment itself; it's just a convenient tag line, really.This, then, is comedy strictly for film buffs--people who recognize a convention and the wit with which that convention is being skewered. In my opinion, there are just not enough movies of that kind around; and some of what we do have is pretty lame. ZAZ, for example have low production values. this film, can actually parody not just a plot or character convention, but a stylistic one as well.Try it; if you have an critical faculty, you'll see what I mean.
Enchorde Recap: Ten loosely connected, absurd stories based on the ten commandments. Presented by a guy who is in the middle of a separation with his wife.Comments: Utterly pointless. The episodes are absurd and can best be described as silly. Incoherent and mostly plain stupid. But then there is a glimmer of hope when a joke or some completely absurdity actually is a little funny. And that is one of the few strong points it has. It doesn't play by any rules so it is quite unpredictable. But often the unpredictable is just absurd instead of crazy and fun, and even if the intention is good it mostly fails.With this kind of weak story it is very surprising how they managed to get such an impressive cast. Most have only forgettable small roles, almost cameos, and can't do very much to save the movie. But it is kind of a star-spotting.Well, apart from that this was a complete waste of time. Far from the worst I have ever seen, but if I could go back I would see something else. Or nothing at all… 3/10
Argemaluco I did not have too much expectations with The Ten but I took a very nice surprise with it.This comedy is not an excellent movie,but I found it funny and very entertaining.The screenplay is the best element from this movie.It is not only very irreverent,but it also generates humor on a natural way.I think that the honesty of the humor is the thing that makes it work pretty well.Besides,the cast is composed by solid actors.Paul Rudd,Oliver Platt,Winona Ryder,Adam Brody and Liev Schreiber bring conviction to their roles.I think that their best attribute is that they never seem to be acting because they completely take possession of their characters.The fail I found on this movie is that two or three moments felt a little bit boring and they could have easily been deleted,because they do not add too much to the story.As I said on the beginning of this commentary,I had low expectations with this movie,and although it is not excellent,I had a very good time watching it.I recommend this comedy with confidence.