It's Difficult NOT To Enjoy This Movie
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
A radio host is victimized by the cannibal family as a former Texas Marshall hunts them. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 feels like a shadow of the first film. It literally starts quite dumb with this 2 guys having fun on the road and then Leatherface appears out of nowhere like he was waiting for something and is dressed like a ghost or something and from that scene alone you understand what this movie is going to be. Way over the top, silly and just stupid with lots of comedy plus what the hell was wrong with the poster? It looks stupid. (0/10)
Sam Panico
n my Fangoria reading youth, there were two constants: Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the scariest movie ever and Tom Savini was the master of gore. If you put that chocolate into that bloody peanut butter, what would you get? And in a world where Freddy, Jason and soon, Michael Meyers would all get sequel after sequel, why not Leatherface?Two failed films into his Cannon Pictures deal, one would assume that Tobe Hooper felt the same way. And even though Chainsaw 2 would double its slim $4 million dollar budget, it wasn't considered a success by audiences and critics for years — similar to how Halloween fans just could not see Halloween 3 as a great film until the last few years.Whereas Chainsaw seems to be a nuanced film based on dread, mood and cinema vérité, the sequel is in your face, replete with tons of gore, overwhelming screams and saw noises and near slapstick moments. Maybe it's because Tobe Hooper, unlike nearly every other human being on the face of the Earth, saw the first film as a black comedy and this was just the next logical progression. For me, I saw Chainsaw 2 as a middle finger, an f you to the expectation that the film needed to be just more of the same. Ironically, Rob Zombie seems to have fallen in love with this film so much that he's filmed variations of it several times and even used some of the cast.Read more at
Where do I begin?1) Somehow, the Sawyer family is still roaming around, killing lots of people with chainsaws and even serving them as chili to local events and winning awards? Dennis Hopper(a former ranger? marshal?) knows it, and had family murdered by them, but no other cops believe it?2)Leatherface looks like he is auditioning for Soul Train with some truly hilarious dance moves, shaking his chainsaw over his head.3)Hopper tries out saws at a local store, and he hits a log with it as if swinging an axe-- a good way to de-limb yourself; meanwhile, the store owner seems excited, and the dialogue makes NO SENSE. 4)2 teen idiots are attacked by the family. Somehow, a truck in reverse is able to drive straight(backwards) all the way down a bridge while keeping pace with a speeding sports car, while Leatherface stands up in the bed, sawing through the car and killing people. One of the kids shoots him with a revolver, but it only knocks off his mask??? This opening scene let me know how stupid this film was going to be.5)A radio host(100 lb. female) is left alone late at night in a secluded place to work. She plays a tape of the 2 college dudes getting sawed up, which apparently draws the killers to the station to stop her from outing them. Although, this tape proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, other than some dorks making noise with saws and yelling, and doesn't even give a clue as to who killed them or where it happened. Unbelievably stupid.6)Leatherface suddenly has a tender side? He rubs the girl's crotch with his saw and seems to have a crazed orgasm in his pants, then can't seem to hit anything with the saw as he fumbles around like Michael J. Fox with a cup of coffee. This scene is so bad it belongs in a Hall of Fame.7)What kind of sick blackmail did they have on a star like Dennis Hopper to force him into this project? He must have been in debt to the mob or on acid when he signed up for this.8)The script is like something from a 5th grade play.9)They beat the crap out of the other DJ with a hammer and sawed him up, but hours later, he is still alive and able to free the girl?10)These stupid, inbred retards are somehow able to run a profitable food business, and hide out with corpses spread across a huge attraction theme park area??? Who is buying stuff from them or interacting with them, thinking these guys are even remotely normal?11)Instead of bringing a gun or sneaking in, Hopper brings like 30 chainsaws(so he can have a Star Wars saber duel?) and screams 50 ft. away from the hideout to announce he is there. He then cuts random beams that should have collapsed on his head and harmed him.12)How is grandpa still alive at 137? Must be the superb health coverage offered by his troglodyte relatives and their sanitized retirement home environment? Laughably ludicrous. It is as if they could not decide if this was to be dark comedy or scary horror. It translates to a gory mess that is so stupid you can't help but shake your head and laugh. Apparently there were obvious miscommunications, as the studio wasn't happy.
As I reviewed before, the original "Texas Chain Saw Massacre" is one of my favorite horror films of ALL TIME. It was gritty, raw, and realistic, and as I explained on that review, it seemed like it could have REALLY HAPPENED as many of the promotion of the film had marketed it as being a true story. Everything about the first TCM I love and there will NEVER be any complaints from me about anything in that film.I had not seen the first sequel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2, until I was about 18. The film was BANNED where I live and was not released until around 2006. Finally, I got to sit down and watch it when it played on late-night TV. Overall........I enjoyed it.The film takes place about a decade after the original. Lieutenant Enright (portrayed by the great Dennis Hopper) is a relative of Sally and Franklin Hardesty from the original film who has made it his life mission to find the killers and bring them to justice for murdering the invalid Franklin. After two young college kids are killed by Leatherface (this time played by Bill Johnson), Enright becomes convinced that they were murdered by the same killers, as the local radio DJ, Stretch (Caroline Williams) recorded their death cries, along with the sound of a roaring chainsaw, on her radio program. "Lefty", as Enright is nicknamed, then goes and arms himself up with numerous chainsaws in his quest to hunt the serial killers down in a bloody battle of revenge! Now, I can understand why many fans of the original did not take too kindly to TCM2. It completely diverts itself heavily away from the original film. The realistic documentary-like feel is lost, and instead, Tobe Hooper treats us to a black comedy of gory mayhem. When I first saw this movie, I must admit, I thought it was quite dumb. The terror and suspense that kept my interest piqued in the original was all but lost. However, it was then when I slowly began to was MEANT to be dumb. Tobe Hooper knew that he could never outdo the original TCM, so he tried something a little different this time around. The entire cast is new, except for the late Jim Siedow who reprises his role as Drayton/The Cook, who is the older brother of Leatherface and the gang. We also get to meet a new member of the serial killer clan in this film, Chop Top (Bill Moseley), who we discover was away fighting in Vietnam during the events of the previous film. The hitchhiker also has an appearance in this sequel, as a now decaying corpse his twisted twin brother carries around.At the end of the day, I still enjoy this film. Sure, it doesn't even come near the greatness of the original, but it is great in its own unique way. Thus, this would be the reason why it too has gathered its own cult following in recent years.