The Two Bills

7.7| 1h18m| en

Bill Belichick will one day join Bill Parcells in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. When the time comes, they'll have far more in common than a place in Canton-or a first name. The Two Bills, directed by Ken Rodgers and produced by NFL Films, traces the four-decade relationship between these two coaching masters. They first met when Belichick was a teenager and his father was coaching for Navy while Parcells was coaching at Army. On the same day in 1979, they became assistants with the New York Giants, and after Parcells took over as head coach, they won two Super Bowls together. Buttressed by what he learned from Parcells, Belichick would go on to win five Super Bowls of his own with the Patriots. Through all the ups and downs of their careers, including some memorable games when they were on opposite sides of the field, they forged a bond that few men of their stature have ever experienced. Two Bills, but one epic story.


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NFL Films


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Also starring Bill Parcells


ada the leading man is my tpye
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Michael_Elliott 30 for 30: The Two Bills (2018) Coaching legends Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick have seven Super Bowl rings between them. Belichick got his start working for Parcells and they rose the ranks together but after a disagreement with the New York Jets they parted ways. We all know what happened with Belichick at New England but this documentary covers their time together.It is funny to think but before this documentary was made there were always questions about the relationship between the two men. People would joke that you'd never get the two of them to sit down for an interview together but taht's exactly what this 30 FOR 30 episode has done. Yes, both Bill's sit down together to talk about their great times together, the more questionable times as well as where their friendship is today.While this here wasn't the greatest episode to come from the series, there's no question that it's a highly entertaining one and it certainly shows both men in a different light. I thought it was rather refreshing to see Belichick open up and discuss a variety of topic because if you're familiar with his press conferences then you know he doesn't normally say much. THe film contained a lot of nice drama as the two men, as well as people who worked for them, discuss their relationship over the years.The stuff with the New England Patriots was the most interesting and especially what all happened between them and the Jets. Owner Bob Kraft is on hand to tell his side of the story and it's interesting getting to hear Belichick talk about the matter and especially since he was still employed by him.Episode: A-

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