The Unforgiving

2010 "Pray for death"
3.5| 1h14m| en

Two survivors, who appear unwilling to answer questions, are the only links authorities have to a spate of attacks that have hit rural South Africa.


Producted By

Kamakazi Productions


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
CookieInvent There's a good chance the film will make you laugh out loud, but if it doesn't, there's an even better chance it will make you openly sob.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
stuartterrell26 I'm not sure what movie other reviewers were watching here...ten star reviews?????? crazy or what?????? this was just rubbish! If this is ten stars then what do you give great movies like saw or hostel? I tried to stay interested but I was bored...very bored...I did like saw...7 or 8 stars easy...and I love films that follow what if its already been done...long as its good then why not...but this just ain't...the camera just wants to give me a headache! I mean zoom out for fu@ks sake! I couldn't see anything! It just felt like it was one scene all the way through...a nice bit of blood...but no more so than that...I simply could not recommend this...sorry...Maybe i'm missing something here with this one...mmmmmmmmm...but i don't think so...could have been a good film...just ain't...
Jan Strydom Two survivors of a brutal attack by a masked man are interrogated by a police detective, the survivors both tell their account of grisly events more shocking than anyone could've imagined.Unlike with other films that I'll just simply buy I decided to rent THE UNFORGIVING before buying it, this being a South African production shot on a shoe string budget I had to find out first whether or not this film was a professional job or did it look like it was shot with a cell phone camera.When it got started I was pleasantly surprised by how well the film actually looked, the storyline itself immediately established the mood, set up the tone and maintained a steady pace throughout, it even at times came off as a SAW rip off but at a certain stage it started turning the whole concept on its head and went towards a more intriguing and exciting direction and at latter stages it seemed to merely reference SAW but it never at any time felt like a rip off.The acting was very good considering this is practically a first time cast, the actors all did a very good job for them to be considered for future projects.Also unlike both SAW and HOSTEL its not an all out gore fest, its actually pretty tame in the gore department, its more content with the plot than with gore but I can honestly say the climax is pretty intense.Overall, THE UNFORGIVING can stand tall alongside SAW and HOSTEL as one of the best known films of its genre.
Claire White I don't know what I was expecting when I watched this for the first time. Do not expect a slasher/bloody/gory/saw type of film. It is more avant garde than anything else, and a lot of people aren't going to understand it - but isn't that the thing with violence? It's never clear cut is it? The movie uses a very strange way of telling the story, I don't want to give too much away, but it deals with flashbacks and flashforwards in the same time line. I've heard the film cost R40K to make, that is 1/3 of paranormal activity - so the film is rough around the edges, it's far from polished. The acting is good, Michael Thompson (The Detective) is great throughout.I have noticed that this film has some International Distribution which is great for a little film like this.Some people are going to hate this film, but the filmmakers haven't gone out to change the world or prove a point, they've just made a little film that is very interesting to watch, and if you view it under those terms, you are in for a treat.
Andrew Griffiths The first half an hour of the film feels like a SAW rip off, but the film shoots off in a very different and exciting direction in the second act. The film uses a very novel way of telling the victims' stories, and this keeps you engaged as it builds to a bloody climax. The film uses the idea that the audience thinks they are watching a SAW or HOSTEL and flips those expectations on its head.The film is inspiring to see what you can get away with on a very limited budget, and I'm not talking about Hollywood limited budget, I'm talking about bare knuckle, no budget filmmaking.The film won't win any Oscars, but I am interested to see what these guys can do given even a B Grade straight to DVD American Budget.The cinematography is very original and the editing is outstanding. The script could be a little more original but the actors cover the flaws in the script with decent performances.