The Video Dead

1987 "Look what's buried inside your television."
5| 1h30m| R| en

On a quiet, tree-lined street, an old television set receives a single channel that repeats the same horror film over and over, freeing zombies from the grave to kill.


Producted By

Interstate 5 Productions


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TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
robertandrews-44556 The Video Dead is a film I remember from childhood. It used to scare me but re watching it again I can appreciate the comedy of it all. The zombies in the film are all well done and look particularly gruesome and are almost developed characters. The death scenes are pretty awesome too though the long drawn - out scene of a Filipino maid being strangled to death is quite ridiculous. Even when she drives an iron into the head of the zombie strangler and STILL manages to get herself choked to death is hilarious. However there is a great chainsaw death and some other great gory scenes that will stick with you for a while.All in all a pretty cool movie but if you're a fan of classic zombies like Night of the Living Dead you may not be entertained. 6/10
ersinkdotcom "The Video Dead" fails on all levels because it won't accept itself as a horror / comedy and tries to be serious. It's hard to believe this was made through MGM. The film couldn't have had more than a $5.00 budget if even that. Bad acting, a 36-year old lady trying to play an early-20s college girl, flimsy zombie make-up, and bizarre ways to kill the TV creatures all add up to an unintentionally hilarious movie that borders on unwatchable."The Video Dead" fails because it's meant to be taken seriously to an extent. One is intended to be completely funny and enjoyable while the other is to be taken as scary with a touch of black humor. It misses its goal.
atinder First time watch.This had a little strange plot, well it new at the time, I liked the idea of Zombies come out of a TV set, The zombies did look a bit scary. (the make up effects were really good) at first but as the movie goes you will find more funny, as do some really funny killing.Were really funny death in scenes in this movie, This movie made me Jump in one scene lol, some so silly made me Jump. There were some bloody moments in this movie was nice, there were not many gory moment in this movie. The acting was really wooden for main lead boy, it felt like it was reading the link and not acting them out at all. I liked the ending of this movie, I thought that was really good way to end the movie. 5 out of 10
jmbwithcats Strangely Effective.It's not great but there's something so memorable and basic about the film. The way the TV is laying down, it really skews your perception and gets right in your head. I thought it was a simple, effective, kinda silly, but strangely unforgettable movie. It's like a tiny grain of sand in a clamshell. The Video Dead is the poster child for "kill Your Television. It continues... in your mind... The zombies are memorable and have a practically anthropomorphous alacrity that digs in. Don't mistake this for some masterpiece, it's an obscure, grainy, simplistic zombie film, but somehow refreshing in that it doesn't try too hard to be anything more. In a way it's like a film right out of the Twilight Zone mind trip universe.