Sorry, this movie sucks
Perfect cast and a good story
Excellent, a Must See
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Cuba Gooding Jr stoops to a new low with his role in "The Way of War". This low budget flick deals with the fall of a hero, one as pointless and without sense as the career of Cuba Gooding Jr. The plot makes absolutely no sense as it trots along at a snails pace and fails to develop characters or motivation, nonsensically jumping from scene to scene with abrupt and chaotic flashbacks completing the badness.The story itself has something to do with a special operative, who after killing the Ace of Spades of global terrorism, is blacklisted by the federal government with a death warrant to his name. Exactly why and what for is unclear to me, but the movie just doesn't really make much sense. Drop all intent to watch "Way of War" and until anyone says otherwise treat the name Cuba Gooding Jr on the cover as a warning sign.Just gotta to love scenes where special ops stand in the open and don't duck for cover to avoid intense gunfire...
The Way of War. There are many good things about this movie, but in the end, it is boring. It is an anti-war (anti-middle east war) film that simply fails to interest, excite, explain, or satisfy. Cuba Gooding, Jr., is, as usual, a strong screen presence, as is Clarence Williams, III. But the plot/story is weak, particularly as you really never understand what is supposed to have happened, even as the credits roll.If you are still reading this, stop. This movie is not worth any more of your time. IMDb should not have a minimum lines requirement. It is a disservice to its readers.One of the best reviews in print was supposed to be of "Cleopatra" (a Broadway play). Supposedly, the whole review was something like, "Cleopatra's barge sailed down the Nile last night. It sank." And that was all. What more do you need? This movie sank, too.
This is an awful movie. There's no originality (unless being incomprehensible is considered original), there's no action, and it looks like it was made on a budget of $50K.Let's start with the most fundamental problem: being confusing. I truly have no idea what this movie is about. The movie is about 50% flashbacks (and not the illuminating kind, either) that just serve to confuse. The US Secretary of Defense apparently hangs around at illegal fighting exhibitions and nobody notices. (In fact, it looks as if he is the ONLY one attending the fights.) The whole plot (if there is one) is just a mess.The other big problem is how cheap the film looks. It looks like it was shot in an old warehouse that serves as a bar, a secret fight club, a terrorist hide-out and makeshift hospital in the middle east. Weapons and weapon-handling are crappy, the fight scenes are pretty much non-existent, but when there are some fights, they are truly limp.Just bad, bad, bad. Not worth a moment of your time.
oh yes they did make the worst movie...stupid Boring, slow, .... WORST plot I have seen in a long long time! the editing sucks, the story is horribly told, it makes no sense. the script is poor , the role for Cuda is shallow, perhaps he slept thru the act. the casting is lame, the characters are either miscast or TOO stereotypical. the editing was childish lets use flashbacks and flash-forwards to confuse the audience, problem is it's not worth the time or effort to figure out. of course they are trying to say some grand comment on the state of wars but this movie just ends up insulting everyone. the audience is smart enough to know there is corruption in all governments. but this film takes us on a journey to nowhere and we learn nothing from this film.