A Disappointing Continuation
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Tyreece Hulme
One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Quiet Muffin
This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
BuyaCheap Tripod
and still does. Its an interesting story with real life characters that are more interesting than fiction. However, the shaky cam, out of focus shots, hyper closeups, and quick cuts made the film too painful to make it anywhere close to half way through the movie. It was a movie that I really wanted to see, but its never going to happen. Its a real shame with the budget of this film that they couldn't afford a tripod, or steady cam rig. Or even a grown up editor. If I walk away from a movie nauseous and with a headache I can't reward the creators with a high score. Viewers aren't spending money on bigger 4k screens hoping for blurry and shaky camera-work. This story, and the real persons involved deserved a better effort than this.
So this was an infuriating film, as I had been warned in reviews. The main character makes little headway in exposing sex trafficking centered on a UK-based company that is charged with much of the UN activities in Bosnia--and elsewhere, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, I understand.And, actors such as Rachel Weisz, David Strathairn and Vanessa Redgrave--still beautiful and dignified in her 70's--do not disappoint.But, this film irritated me no end by arguing that a Nebraska police officer could go to Bosnia and, with no knowledge of any language other than English, make such earth-shaking changes. C'mon, people, this is absurd. Either she had interpreters with her, who shared her moments of terror and therefore deserve to be recognized as heroes as well, or else...what?? Body language sufficed??? People just somehow knew just enough English to get by, each and every time?????This is absurd, really. I assume the movie was made for the American market, and assumed that the viewer regards languages as a distraction. Given an earnest American get-it-done attitude, little things like understanding what other people are saying don't matter...right? Americans are used to traveling all over the world and having their English understood. That's true enough if they're tourists in major cities, brandishing American dollars; not so true in real-life situations in third-world countries, battle-riven countries, and in the rural areas of first-world countries.This movie does a disservice to Americans and others by suggesting that knowledge of foreign languages does not matter. It does.
Michelle Jones
Every woman and teenage girl should see this. Watching this will save lives.I didn't realize what this movie was about and had gotten it confused with another whistle blowing type movie, so this movie sat in my Netflix queue for over a year until I was home sick with the flu. I started watching this and was dumbfounded. I've seen other movies like Trade, Savior, Welcome to Sarajevo, etc. and was familiar with some of the politics going on during the war, but had never heard about this woman or what she exposed. This has now been moved to the top of my movie recommendation list.I beg you - watch this movie!
At first I thought that this is just another thriller film, but as the film progresses, I soon come to realize that this film is different. Watching this film sends chills down my spine. Some of the scenes are really hard to watch. The entire film sends a message of anger deep down in my heart and how I wish those people who are involved in the disgusting and sickening business of sex trafficking be severely punished.I sincerely hope that this film will send a strong message to authorities around the world to step up to fight human trafficking.Overall, an eye opening film with Rachel Weisz delivering a solid performance.