The Wicked

2013 "The Wicked Will Get You..."
3.8| 1h45m| NR| en

A Group of teenagers test the legend of an immortal witch and get more than they bargained for. It's almost Halloween and six young people, spooked but not undaunted by the folklore surrounding an old haunted house, make their way to the abode of the legendary Wicked, perhaps hoping to provoke the malevolent witch, but clearly not prepared for what they've certainly unleashed.


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SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
kendra_foxtrot The Good: 1. A witch with a meat grinder is always cool in my book. 2. The urban legend that breaking a window by throwing a rock at the witch's house will bring the wrath of the Wicked upon you was a good premise. 3. The lesbian who claims she isn't was a pretty unique and funny character.The Bad: 1. This movie tries to have too many heroes (the brothers, the lesbian and the hot chick) 2. the witch's house is not old or scary, 3. the "magic" subplot and magician grandfather were not necessary, 4. the abducted little girl should have been killed or omitted from the story because it was completely dumb that she was still alive, 5. the abducted kids inexplicably end up cocooned with apples in their mouths and 6. the witch teleporting in a dark wispy CGI cloud was overdone and cartoonish. I feel like this movie did not know what it wanted to be. Did it want to be an urban legend or a fable? Did it want to be PG or R rated? It tried to explain too much and then left a lot unexplained. If you want a witch movie that scares the crap out of you, this is not the one.
jlthornb51 An odd opening sequence sets the tone for this yawn of a film when a child is seemingly sucked into another dimension, out the window, or into space (or something or other) and the mother looks perplexed, finally concerned enough to sort of scream. Then half of the $800,000 budget is displayed in some pretty creative graphics and photo montages. After that, it's all down hill fast, with a cast of obnoxious young characters played by obnoxious talentless actors doing what most of these types do during these kind of horror movies. There's running, agitation, and continued sub-par screaming. The story makes little sense if any and the dialog is tedious, often being completely unrelated to whatever the plot is and seemingly from another movie about teenage angst. Actually, some of these characters might be in their 20's or 30's and just behave like adolescents. That applies to the characters in their 40's - 80's as well. None of them have a lick of sense and that just ratchets-up the frustration level. One would hope for unrelenting suspense yet all that's unrelenting is the sleep-inducing imagery, the irritating conversations, and the film's refusal to end.
chandrav Be as wary of the 1 ratings as the 9s! This is NOT the worst movie ever made, as some people are trying to say or even the worst horror movie ever made! Neither is it the best movie ever, I'm not saying that, but i feel many of the reviews are simply unfair and for some reason biased. You want to see a TRULY bad movie, watch Contagio (directed by Steve Session, OMG, now THAT is a bad movie!!!!!). The acting in The Wicked is not bad, again, not sure why some reviewers say they are. They're solid, the movie hangs together...I do wish the ending had been better. It's low budget, but not as low as many others I've seen. It doesn't look like it was made with a camera phone, which seems to be the usual horror fare these days! It was a little trite and not as scary as I'd hoped, but enjoyable overall. I suspect the really bad reviewers have some sort of beef with someone related to this film.
Daniel I was not expecting anything special due to the poor rating this movie got but i was pleasantly surprised in the same fashion as when i watched "Cabin In The Woods" and this movie got me glued to my seat from the beginning to the end. The acting was solid even though none of the actors were recognizable and the Witch in the movie was a fresh concept compared to all the mass murderers/ghosts/monsters in other horrors. This proves that you cant rely on IMDb ratings and need to use your gut feeling sometimes when deciding which movies to spend an evening on.I also love the fact that the ending leaves it open to a sequel and i look forward to another part of "The Wicked" in the future!