The Wild Women of Wongo

1959 "Even the birds and bees are confused.."
2.3| 1h12m| en

On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They also discover that a tribe of evil ape men live on the island, too, and the ape men are planning a raid on the tribe in order to capture mates.


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Jaywall Productions


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Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
talisencrw Yes, this was a bad movie (I watched it in a double bill with the similar-toned prehistoric tongue-in-cheek 'Prehistoric Women'--both from Mill Creek's 50-pack 'Nightmare Worlds'), but it was charming, short and sweet, and I enjoyed it. I wouldn't watch it again, probably, but it was decent fare to see once. I thought the way the credits were animated was cool (a low-budget Saul Bass), and I wouldn't have minded being trapped by the Wongo tribe, if I time-travelled back to that time, myself! At first, I thought they had misspelled Adrienne Barbeau's name, but no one looked like her in the film, and she would have been really young anyway.It intrigued me that Tennessee Williams actually directed at least parts of the film. Though this film falls into the 'so-bad-it's good-territory, I'm glad it was made. Not everything has to be either a $300-million monster or Hamlet.
Red-Barracuda Well you sure can't say that this camp classic does not have a memorable synopsis. Mother Nature has decided to experiment a little. Two primitive tribes live on opposite sides of an island but with a difference. The Wongo have beautiful women but ugly men, while the Goona have dreamy guys but unattractive gals. An attack by a tribe of savage ape-men from overseas brings both groups together. And the natural order of things falls into place. The message of the movie, cheerfully delivered, is that good looking people and ugly people should really stick together, it's better for everyone in the end. It's not a very right-on sentiment nowadays of course but it is a hilarious one for an old movie to base itself around. Consequently, The Wild Women of Wongo is a very memorable bit of nonsense.It can probably be regarded as an early sexploitation flick. Although admittedly with no nudity. But by late 50's standards I guess those girls in leopard skin bikinis was pretty racy stuff. They even, predictably, have a cat fight too. The main focus is also unsurprisingly on the hot Wonga women. They are banished by their slack-jawed male tribesmen for intervening and saving one of the dishy Goona guys from an execution. They travel through the jungle to visit a priestess and engage in an elaborate 'dance of the dragon god'. The 'dragon god' itself was simply an alligator, which seemed somewhat ridiculous. But why question anything in this madness? We also have another prominent animal character - a wise cracking, talking parrot, who doesn't really seem to serve any overall purpose to be perfectly honest. I think the film-makers just threw in everything they had at their disposal and wrote it vaguely into the plot. Also of note is the fact that the ape-men, who are the catalyst for the entire story, are only seen in one scene and by the end of the film are completely forgotten about; in fact, they seemed to have simply gone away.This is a good laugh. I liked its sheer trashiness. And wait until you get to that ending scene where the hunks wink back at us all one by one…dreamy
thundsdo-1 Really, there are better quality videos on YouTube than this. Many, many better.Is it campy? Perhaps, but the kind of campy where you are hauled out in the woods and molested by the counselors. A lot like Santa Claus vs. the Martians, it is frankly, from beginning to end, the film production most devoid of talent I have ever seen.The acting lacks the depth, quality and execution of a high school play- -and not the kind of play that kids try out for, the kind where members of the football team are trying to squeeze easy credit out of a blow off course.The screenplay, had the movie come out years later, exhibits the rare insight and niche draw of bad pornography. It's all wrapped up in an aphorism yanked from the screen of Jersey Shore.The direction is laughable, the special effects are merely sad and fight scenes are goofy.The only thing that makes the above look good, however, is the choreography, which warrants it's own mention as one of the most unwatchable moments in cinema. You'll laugh so hard because it is the only way of preventing your stomach contents from spraying around the room.Wongo is, frankly, completely devoid of artistic merit. However, to say something nice, I will give credit to whomever scouted locations. Still, that person, along with everyone else involved, should be embarrassed to the point of forming a commune in rural Utah to avoid public notice that they had one day committed such hateful offense to Mr. Edison's invention.However, you should see it for the same reasons you should get a colonoscopy after the age of 50.
str91 OKAY! Let me explain why I rated this movie a 10.My family and I watched this movie, knowing WELL that it would be crap. So, for what we wanted, it was spectacular. We were able to make fun of the actors/actresses, and the plot (wait, what plot?) was as stupid as we'd hoped.If I rated this seriously, I'd give it a -1. It's not even deserving of a ZERO--that's how bad it was.The "Ape Tribe" they spoke of, was comprised of two men with Wolverine hair cuts, who died by the "Dragon God" (who was a crocodile, or alligator, whichever--either way, if Steve Erwin were alive, he ought to shout "CRIKEY!") and that was the end of them. Seriously. No other "ape men" were seen.My ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE part of the entire movie, was when they were "banished" from Wongo-- I mean, the inhabited half of Wongo, and sent to some strange Priestess, or some jazz like that-- and they were forced to do a crazy "dance." Seriously, there were about four women who were about to break their necks for the dance, and the rest remained completely uninterested, and barely moved. It was like they were imitating an old fart on the dance floor--except, with less enthusiasm.So, the movie was GREAT if you'd like to laugh, make fun of the people, and basically just make wise cracks about it, but if you were ACTUALLY looking for entertainment through the movie itself, boy, are YOU in for an unpleasant surprise.....