This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
Wild World of Batwoman, The (1966) * 1/2 (out of 4) Infamous film from director Warren had the man sued by Marvel and this film, at one time, re-released as SHE WAS A HIPPIE VAMPIRE but it's the title here and the clear rip-off of Batman that has made this thing live for so long. The story is all over the place but we've basically got Batwoman (Katherine Victor) going after the evil Rat Fink (Richard Banks) who also had a nutty scientist (George Mitchell) working for him. I was somewhat shocked to see that this movie was ranked in the Bottom 100 at IMDb for several reasons. One is that this is the only Warren movie there. The second reason is that there are so many more movies out there worse than this one. I'm really not sure why this film has gotten so much special attention but I'm going to guess it's because Batman fans are checking this thing out and seeing a pure "Z" grade picture. I can understand someone familiar with "A" pictures to hate this. It does contain horrible acting, horrible direction, horrible outfits, a horrible plot and any other job title could have horrible before it. However, as someone who has seen many Warren film, this one contains something the others don't and that's an attempt at telling a story. Yes, the story is all over the place, makes no sense and at times will have you lost but at least it tries, which is a lot more than you can say for the director's other films. This one here also has more than just one long dialogue sequence after another. We've actually got quite a bit of action ranging from fights to some silly guns being waived around. Again, this isn't too common for a Warren picture. One of the silliest things here is the scientist who has created a "happy" pill that his girls to girls so that they will dance and do a few other things. These dances are so crazy that you can't help but laugh and the music they're dancing to certainly wasn't rock 'n roll from 1966 but seems to be about fifteen years late from its target audience. What's even sillier is the scientist who has an assistant who is mildly retarded due to an experiment that went wrong. The politically incorrect role was silly but at the same time it had me laughing. Again, all of these things make for an awful movie but at the same time they keep the film moving and make it rather fun to watch. If you're a fan of bad cinema then this here is certainly one of the all-time great bad movies. Warren would take a fourteen year break from filmmaking before jumping back onto the scene with the downright horrid FRANKENSTEIN ISLAND. It's really too bad he didn't go out with this sucker as it pretty much contains everything bad you'd expect from a movie like this. Just don't take it too serious, sit back and laugh.
This movie is now the new winner on my list of "worst film ever made." Yes, it's that bad. At least Plan 9 had some heart, and Manos had hands of fate. This movie has nothing. Well, it does have jiggling go-go girls, but somehow, they made that boring. I'd write more, but I can't. Since there is a minimum number of lines though, I could just duplicate this paragraph again. Or maybe just add parts of reviews from other movies, something they did in WWOB too. So
I didn't think Iron Man was as good as everyone else did, but I still liked it. Have you seen the movie "The World's Fastest Indian"? Now there is a great little movie. Oh, and if you want to see wacky German type characters running around acting silly, don't watch WWOB, watch Amadeus! That's a quality film. And that's 10 lines, so "There it is."
This is without a doubt one of the best "Worst" movie I have seen. It is sooo funny that I laughed so hard I cried!! I was embarrassed for the entire cast who must have at some point thought they were making a legit they are cast in history as one of the wackiest casts to hit the screen...EVER! Watch the scientists helper making goofy the batgirls fight over what appears to be a horseshoe at a party....poolside go-go dancing...and mole people just on the other side of the beach....!! Its got to be seen to be believed! If you don't see this flick you will really be missing one of the all time "Best" of the worst! I have put this movie on at parties and it is always a crowd pleaser....! My only hope is that this movie would be colorized for future audiences...I would really love to see Batwomans garb in color!
To call a movie "camp" and insist that those who dislike it just don't get it is a lame excuse for a bad movie. Good camp exists (Evil Dead 2, anyone?), but this movie does not fit into that category, whatever Jerry Warren's intentions were.This movie is flat-out awful. Terrible acting, blatant use of footage from other movies, poor sound, nonsensical story.This movie is not only bad, it's offensive. A girl falls in love with a man after he kidnaps her and leads her around with a rope tied around her neck for half the movie. The villain implies that captive girls will be used to mate with monsters (ew). And a séance is held (?) in which a spirit speaks stereotypical fake Chinese! Aggh! And a little side-note to the MST-hater who commented earlier--hate MST if you like, it's certainly not for everyone, but you obviously have not seen the episode for this movie. If you had, you would know that the lame, "Look, it's Sheena, Queen of the Jungle" joke is not actually in the episode. The MST DVD/VHS covers frequently (but not always) feature jokes based on the cover image, not riffs that are in the actual episode. And yes, these jokes are usually really dumb, and I would venture to guess that they were not written by the MST writers.Anyway, horrible movie.