The Wind

2001 "Terror Comes In Many Forms..."
2.9| 1h30m| en

An ancient wind carries with it omens of the apocalypse, stirring the pride and envy of a group of college kids to murderous rage. Michael Mongillo's directorial debut is a lyrical, meditative film charged with sex and violence.


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Also starring Joanna Bonaro


IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Claudio Carvalho Somewhere in USA, the young Clair manipulates her friends Mic, Billy and John, showing a letter that would be sent by Bob to her and the group cowardly beats Bob and Mic kills him with a piece of wood in the forest. Mic feels sorrow and decides to tell his mother what he did, but John and Billy threaten him, with tragic consequences.I believe "The Wind" is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. The awful screenplay is ridiculous, and it is almost impossible to write a summary, since there is no story or plot, only sequences of disconnected scenes. The amateurish direction and acting are amazingly poor and terrible. It is unbelievable how producers invest money in such garbage, distributors release this crap worldwide and viewers like me buy this DVD. I waited until the very last scene because I was curious to see how bad this film could be and I was impressed, since it is worse than I could imagine in my lowest expectations. In the end, I question why IMDb does not offer zero in the vote system, since the garbage really deserves this vote. My vote is one.Title (Brazil): "Força Invisível" ("Invisible Force")
Monicastaggs I am astonished that someone found this movie a "pleasant surprise". Apparently that person must have worked on the movie, (ie. whoring it out) otherwise there would be no possible way they found this a good movie unless they happen to be the THE biggest idiot on the planet. Among many other problems, there is no premise for the plot of this movie. Some girl, we don't know her age...perhaps she's supposed to be in high school, perhaps in college, although she looks like she's at least background...gets a set of her friends ( no background or age given on them either) to kill a dude for sending her a note. In the middle of the woods no less which seems to be a place where all these characters just randomly meet up in all the time. Just have them all in the woods for no reason at all. That is quality film making. This movie is a piece of s*%t!! Anyone like myself that watched it was duped by the box cover. Congratulations to the box cover artist and the B.S. that this movie won some sort of award. Where did they show it? Down time at Special Olympics camp or to the dead, you tell me? It was a lame and utterly stupid movie. I kept thinking to myself..."someone actually wrote this and thought it was good, then they filmed it...f-ing amazing!" Do not see this if it is the last movie on the planet. You'd be better of sticking a hot poker stick in your various orifices. If you don't believe me, rent it and have a night of fun busting out the numerous flaws in this so-called "film".
phillyjc I found this dvd in the store and figured, why not support some indy film and watch a cool horror flick. Please save your time and money and pass this one by. The acting, the script, practically everything with this film is sub par. There really isn't much of a story, and there is no character development. I found myself not caring what happened to the people in the movie as long as something happened. Everyone is supposed to be college age, but they all look like they are in their mid thirties, except for the woman who plays a mother who looks like she is pushing 40. In fact the worst part of the film is that every single scene is shown in a master shot. There is no editing, no cut ins or close ups. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
EloiseM The best independent film of 2001 - I went to see The Wind at the recommendation of friends who caught it at Dances with Films Festival in LA last summer - it's a great, scary, well made film. The score was amazing. Can't wait to see his next movie!