The Wolves of Kromer

1998 "Gay werewolves on the prowl."
5.9| 1h22m| en

Once upon a time in the village of Kromer lived two beautiful young wolves. Cocksure Gabriel takes newcomer Seth under his paw and helps reconcile him to the vilification associated with being a wolf. They fall head-over-heels in puppy love, playing together around picturesque waterfalls, secluded woodlands, and moonlit lakes. One day a wicked old crone and her goofy sidekick kill their mistress, frame the wolves, and incite a torch-bearing mob of religious zealots to seek vengeance on the hapless pair. But who will live happily ever after?


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Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
charcoalactivity It's entertaining but corny. It's funny but makes you say "what the hell?" It's witty but predictable.This is a story about two werewolves (gay boys) falling in and out of love while dangerously hunted by the towns people.Want SPOILER? No sex scene for the two main characters. There, I said it. But there is hetero sex between the gay guy and the girl >_> Very disappointing. LOL. There are plenty of hot gay kisses/make outs though.Want to watch a low-budget film but with really very hot guy characters? Watch this! LOL.The funniest about this movie is the bit about the dog and "dog heaven." LOL.
Siel_O I really enjoyed The Wolves Of Kromer, more than I expected even. It's a small and heart warming film which takes the werewolves as an allegory for young gay men who search their place in the world. The film had a lot David Lynch feel to it, it was comedy and romance combined with creepy undertones and unique-dark-bizarre shots using special lightning techniques. several shots were truly a masterpiece and got me staring for a while. The scenery was beautiful and very pleasant to look at, so were the actors. The acting was very good, the characters' lines felt like each is actually saying what they are feeling (I actually felt a bit like i'm watching a play at some of the parts). I loved the implementation of a modern fairy tale (seeing the couple once boating in the calm river and on the other hand riding a bike). I loved the atmosphere. I even loved the fluffy tales! it was so sweet and original!! (reminded me of anime cat boys) I loved everything about this film, it's not very common for me to give such a high grade but this movie deserves it. :)
Tupper26 I really enjoyed the allegory and parallels between gays and wolves. It provided a wealth of intelligent, sensual comparisons to comment on sexuality and greed without being overtly crass.And Gabriel, played by James Layton, is just plain irrresistable. *woof*
deeharris196 you know how sometimes you go and see a film, and you've got no idea what to expect, but something about it just grabs you and makes you watch it? well this film grabbed me, and i have to say, i'm so glad it did because i LOVED this movie. it's sexy, funny and SO clever, and has beautiful guys dressed up in wolf suits and falling in and out of love, and it's beautiful!!! okay, so the guy who plays the dad is a bit ropey, but the two wolves are gorgeous - they could bite me anyday! - and the old maids are just brilliant. so if you want something different, i seriously recommend this - but be warned - it's NOT scary (but it is funny, sweet and really sad too, so it doesn't matter!)