The Year of the Yahoo!

1972 "Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows!"
4.9| 1h28m| R| en

A country-western singer is recruited to run for the U.S. Senate, and soon clashes with his unscrupulous campaign manager on the tactics to run his political campaign.


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
bkoganbing I usually am a great fan of political movies. They can be hysterically funny like The Dark Horse or truly serious like State Of The Union. A really good one came out a few years after The Year Of The Yahoo when Robert Redford did The Candidate. I can think of a whole lot of others as well.But The Year Of The Yahoo will never be one of them. It's as bad as bad can get. I'm not saying it had potential which sadly it did. But it should have been in the hands of a competent director and cast.Whoever told country singer Claude King he could act should have gotten the neophyte thespian a good director as well. But King was saddled with an equally untalented and misdirected cast. King plays a country singer more along the lines of Merle Haggard who some sharp politicos including a corrupt governor decide would make a fine US Senator. That's not as far fetched as you think and after the last election it showed anyone can get elected anything in the right year. Pappy O'Daniel in Texas, Jimmy Davis in Louisiana, and Glen H. Taylor of Idaho all had country entertainer backgrounds and all got elected governor and/or senator from their states. A biographical film of any one of them would be a good project.But this one, a satirical film that just isn't funny and has no real wit to it.
MartinHafer I have seen a bazillion bad films, as I love watching and laughing at incompetent films. Horrible directors like Ed Wood, Ray Dennis Steckler, Ted Mikels and Al Adamson are personal favorites. However, the director of this film, Hershell Gordon Lewis, is an enigma. Sure, he's made some of the worst films ever, such as MONSTER A GO-GO, THIS STUFF'LL KILL YA and BLOOD FEAST, but he also made a couple films that despite rotten production values are quite original and entertaining, such as TWO THOUSAND MANIACS and YEAR OF THE YAHOO. YEAR came bundled with THIS STUFF'LL and the contrast between the two films is amazing.While I would not go so far as to say that the direction is competent or the acting is uniformly acceptable, Jeffrey Allen's acting is 10000 times better than it was in THIS STUFF'LL KILL YA and some of the other actors weren't bad for amateurs. However, the most notable positive about this film is the writing--it DIDN'T suck!! In fact, despite lacking polish, the story idea was excellent and showed a lot of imagination. Sadly, Allen Kahn only made one other film before this one and none since.Claude King stars as a country musician who has been convinced to run for the US Senate. The governor (Jeffrey Allen) is at first on board with the hotshots who want to run King but after a while, he is sick of the way these outsiders treat him. In fact, this election team is very slick but totally cynical and evil--treating everyone like dirt and turning King into a total phony. In some ways, this is like A FACE IN THE CROWD or BRUBAKER, but there is plenty of stuff to enjoy. I loved the way that the "unscripted" appearances and "live broadcasts" were so scripted that the handlers didn't even care what King's opinions were about the issues. And, King, so interested in getting elected, says nothing and goes along with this phony campaign.There's a lot more to it, but I liked the film despite its many shortcomings. It earns a 5--mostly for writing. With just a modest budget and competent acting and direction, it would have earned much more. Clever and surprisingly interesting.Also note that this film has perhaps the most gratuitous nude scene I've seen in a long time. It came out of nowhere and did nothing to further the plot.
jjsilver It's been a lot of years, but I was an extra in this movie as Sharron Morton. This was filmed in San Antonio Texas. I've often wondered over the years about the movie. I've never seen the finished product! I've told my friends and family about the movie but have never been able to prove until now that it actually exist! At the time the movie was filmed my three children were toddlers, they wouldn't remember. I've lost contact with the one other person I knew in the movie. Colonel Andy Jackson was a major disc jockey for KBUC radio in San Antonio. I started looking for the info on the internet this afternoon and ended up having to call San Antonio to get your info. However, the site is great and I've found my movie! Thanks,Sharron Perdue
trimmtrabb620 There are good HG Lewis films such as 'Blood Feast' and 'The Wizard of Gore' where the bad production value, cinematography, special effects, and acting (aside from Ray Sager, whose charisma brings substance to all of his roles) surmounted in a hilarious and enjoyable film. 'Year of the Yahoo!' is the worst kind of HG Lewis film in that it is extremely tedious, badly shot, (not ha-ha badly shot like 'Blood Feast', but just plain bad) and in the end not worth investing your time in. Much like 'Just for the Hell of It', every scene is dragged out so that the film can reach feature length and so we're left with scenes begging to be cut in half.But like even the most mediocre HG Lewis film, there are the moments that elevate the content above 'poor', such as every scene with Ray Sager. He bites into the role of a sleazy television producer but does it with zeal and personality. But even for Ray Sager, you'd be better off checking out the entertaining 'Blast-Off Girls' or the wonderful 'Wizard of Gore', where his over-the-top yet likable acting style is in full throttle, resulting in one of the most interesting cinematic characters of all time.

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