The Young Messiah

2016 "Before he was the savior, he was a child."
5.7| 2h0m| PG-13| en

Tells the story of Jesus Christ at age seven as he and his family depart Egypt to return home to Nazareth. Told from his childhood perspective, it follows young Jesus as he grows into his religious identity.


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Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
merrillmount There are so many things wrong with this movie. I am fine that they wanted to make a speculative movie about Jesus as a youth, but at least use the facts we do know. Let's start with the fact that they have him meet the Wise Men as a babe. He was close to 2 years old when they arrive. Also Joseph and Mary had left prior to the children being killed. Then the reason they leave Egypt since they are told it is safe. Ummmm, this movie is all about it not being safe. Then they have him going to the temple at age 7, he was 12. And why do they always have Jesus not knowing who he is? I am pretty certain Joseph and Mary told Christ who He was from the earliest days. And even if they didn't He would know since He is the Son of God. Yes everyone knows the secret that He is God except Him. I don't buy it. About the only thing they got correct was I am sure Satan tried to tempt him. Serious Train Wreck!
Bob Rutzel Jesus (Adam Greaves-Neal), Mary (Sara Lazzaro) and Joseph (Vincent Walsh) had fled from Bethlehem to Egypt to avoid King Herod's decree of killing every male baby hoping to kill Jesus, a rival that threatened him. When they learn of King Herod's death, the family returns home to Nazareth only to become aware that Herod's son (Jonathan Bailey) is after the same thing as his father. Jesus at 7-years of age is aware that his family is keeping secrets from him.The birth of Jesus, the finding of Jesus in the Temple by Mary, and the wedding in Canaan are the three events we are most familiar with until Jesus begins his ministry at 30-years of age. In this story we see that Jesus doesn't really know who he is. He can do things like perform miracles, but doesn't know why he can do these things. He asks many questions and eventually Mary tells him of his birth and who he really is and that he must hide his powers until God tells him when he can use them. We see Roman Centurion Severus (Sean Bean) ordered by Herod to find and kill Jesus and this takes up most of the movie. And yes, they do meet for a second time. (A second time???)We also see The Demon (Rory Keenan) following Jesus as he is not sure who Jesus is. Jesus is the only one who can see and hear The Demon. This is not a Christian exposé, so to speak, so we do not get a lot of Christianity and benefits thereof. But no worries as this Is not a revival. (Thank you)This is a story made up by Anne Rice - the Vampire authoress - about a boy learning who he is and the family and friends protecting him from harm. However, if those of you who have read the Valtorta books you know Jesus knew who he was from the very start. Be that as it may, this is a refreshing look into "maybe it was like this." Everything was constructive and nothing was destructive and it's a very enjoyable story.You can almost believe that Jesus may have looked like and behaved as we see Adam Greaves-Neal behave in this story. And that's a nice touch. This is a well presented production and the acting all around is very good. (7/10)Violence: Yes, some not much. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: No.
Jordana Walsh I am usually not a fan of too many Christian movies because of the often cringe-worthy acting, directing, overly obvious and predictable story lines (obviously not applicable to historical movies), etc. However, this movie, from the acting, to the cinematography and story line was absolutely riveting and simply beautiful. I highly recommend it. I usually do not write reviews, but I was so moved by this movie that I felt it was appropriate to do so. I plan to buy the DVD because I loved this film so much, I want to own it. It's now one of my top movies along with Funny Face, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Quo Vadis, The Greatest Story Ever told, and the Passion. I felt it was a much stronger and much better film than Risen, which struggled, in my opinion, in the story line even with such talented cast. The young Messiah is a fabulous movie, the casting was perfect and the actor that played Jesus was excellent. The film does a great job of portraying how Christ as fully human and fully God, "continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him". Luke 2:40. I felt the marketing for this movie felt short, maybe due to budget constraints, but I did not see as much of it on social media, or even advertisements. I hope it makes enough on DVD sales because I would like to see more movies like it. I hope this review is helpful and wish everyone a wonderful week!
Kirpianuscus first - a bizarre film. for the not inspired cast, for the large isles of non sense, for the absence of precise purpose. it is not a Christian film and not a religious one. only a strange embroidery of fragments from the Gnostic Gospels, few good actors in uncomfortable roles and a chaotic story. the dialogues, the acting, the generous message - all is fake or wrong or almost blasphemy. result - a kind of surrogate. the young Adam Greaves - Neal is far to be the perfect choice for a role who represents only source of confusion. Sara Lazzaro must be a second Olivia Hussley from the Jesus of Zeffireli. but her role remains a sketch. Jonathan Bailey gives a barefooted Herod without any precise purpose because his status is only as decoration. Sean Bean, the poor Sean Bean... Jane Lapotaire does her the best try but the old Sarah is impossible to be credible as result of confuse script. the Bible is ignored and the Gnostic texts as used only as pretext. the result - a film with interesting idea about nothing. or only an exercise of blasphemy.