The Zodiac Killer

1971 "It really happened"
4.4| 1h27m| R| en

The San Francisco area is beset by a series of seemingly random murders without motive or pattern. The police are taunted by phone calls and letters. Could the maniac be the violent truck driver, or the seemingly mild-mannered mailman, or even a cop?


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Adventure Productions (II)


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
gavin6942 The San Francisco area is beset by a series of seemingly random murders without motive or pattern. The police are taunted by phone calls and letters. Could the maniac be the violent truck driver, or the seemingly mild-mannered mailman, or even a cop? This film has come to be known largely for its historical value. Allegedly, producer-director Tom Hanson made the film not so much to try and make a good movie so much as he wanted to call attention to the killer. His plan was to screen the film in San Francisco and assume the real killer was vain enough to attend. The screening indeed happened, but if the killer attended no one knows.The quality of the film is not particularly good. The sound in particular is rather choppy. In retrospect, some have said the quality was never the point, it was merely intended as a trap. Even if that is true, let us not dwell on the poor quality. Besides the sound, the picture is no worse than the films of Herschell Gordon Lewis. In fact, in many cases it is better and the acting is far better than a Lewis film. Appropriately, "Zodiac Killer" had been released by Something Weird Video, the home of many Lewis films, for the DVD.And now, Something Weird has partnered with the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) to bring a Blu-ray to the masses! We get a new 4K scan from the only surviving 16mm blow-up elements. There is a commentary track with Tom Hanson and Manny Nedwick, as well as interviews with Hanson and Nedwick. Liner notes and director Tom Hanson interview by Chris Poggiali. And even a bonus movie, the rarely-seen "Another Son of Sam" (1977) with a new 2K scan from a 35mm theatrical print.Arguably, "Zodiac Killer" did not need a 4K scan. When you are dealing with a film of this quality, whether the scan is 2K, 4K or anything else probably makes little difference. But that nitpick aside, this is definitely a cult film that should be seen. It has all the elements of exploitation that genre fans love, and it is about time it gets a wider audience. Senseless murder? Yes. A mailman being harassed by a nosy older lady? Yes. A real tragedy exploited for a film? Yes.
utgard14 No-budget creeper about the real-life Zodiac killer who stalked California in the late '60s. It's got some grit, I'll give it that, but it's all just so cheap, slow, and dull that I couldn't enjoy it. The "acting" is terrible and the picture quality reminds me of the opening to The Wonder Years. There are some moments of unintended comedy, which I usually recommend in a movie's favor when all else fails, but this is such a chore to get through that I don't think there are enough of those moments to justify it. If you're really into the Zodiac case or if you like to try any and all horror cheapies, then give it a look. Otherwise don't bother.
Woodyanders A deranged serial killer terrorizes San Francisco and writes letters to local newspapers about his evil exploits. Tom Hanson's basic direction, the gritty urban locations, the seamy tone, several startling moments of ugly and brutal violence (the sequence with an amorous young couple being attacked and murdered by a lake packs a truly jolting punch), a mean-spirited misogynistic streak, the rough cinematography by Robert Birchall and Wilson S. Hong, the hit-or-miss acting, the psycho's freaky ranting monologues, the grim fact that the story is based on scary real-life events, and a chilling open ending all give this movie a certain super seedy quality that paradoxically enough makes it that much more creepy and unnerving rather than less so. Hal Reed really sinks his teeth into his juicy role as meek, yet unhinged mailman Jerry. Doodles Weaver has a funny bit part as dirty old man neighbor Doc. Worth a watch for true crime aficionados.
sifujon First saw this one in the 80s and recommended it to some of my friends. Everyone has enjoyed it so far. The casting, acting, dialogue and sets combine for many hilarious moments. I had to get my own copy of this one.