They All Laughed

1981 "Some of them promised they'd never fall in love."
6.2| 1h55m| PG| en

New York's Odyssey Detective Agency is hired by two different clients to follow two women suspected of infidelity. Ladies' man John Russo trails Angela Niotes, the elegant wife of a wealthy Italian industrialist, while Charles Rutledge and Arthur Brodsky follow Dolores Martin, the beautiful young wife of a jealous husband. Their respective cases are complicated when John falls for Angela, and Charles falls for Dolores.


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Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fanchoa It's really a peculiar film, very engaging even if there is no real intrigue in it but I can watch it endlessly because it makes you feel happy.Why ? Well the city (New York looks superb in early summer) and the relationships between all the characters are shown with great simplicity and love. Director Peter Bogdanovich being a native born New Yorker, it's no surprise that the town is in fact the main character. Here the "Big apple" is very welcoming , very beautiful with the sun shining everywhere.It's like a nest in which are evolving all these characters. It gives the film a peculiar charm , because as i've said the plot here has no importance.Beside New York the other big attraction are the actors. Ben Gazzara, Dorothy Stratten, Patti Hansen, John Ritter... they are all perfect. I mean you have to see Patti Hansen's face as she drives a cab. That's cinema at his best , it's simple but so beautiful because it gives you an emotion. I won't talk much about Dorothy Stratten( it's so sad) but here she appears to be a very promising actress. Needless to say that her beauty illuminates the film .Really Peter Bogdanovich knew how to find and reveal such beautiful and talented girls: Cybill Shephed, Dorothy Stratten, Patti Hansen.
crusadenow I can't believe that those praising this movie herein aren't thinking of some other film. I was prepared for the possibility that this would be awful, but the script (or lack thereof) makes for a film that's also pointless. On the plus side, the general level of craft on the part of the actors and technical crew is quite competent, but when you've got a sow's ear to work with you can't make a silk purse. Ben G fans should stick with just about any other movie he's been in. Dorothy S fans should stick to Galaxina. Peter B fans should stick to Last Picture Show and Target. Fans of cheap laughs at the expense of those who seem to be asking for it should stick to Peter B's amazingly awful book, Killing of the Unicorn.
Nick Faust Peter Bogdonavich has made a handful of truly great films, and THEY ALL LAUGHED is one of his best. The cast couldn't be better equipped to play this light but slightly bittersweet screwball comedy. Interestingly enough, the witty, light touch Bogdonavich so effortlessly employs gives the film a rather disarming emotional core. Fresh and immediate, the film starts with absolutely no explanation. There's no soundtrack music to cue us. We meet the characters in action, and as Bogdonavich glides down the streets of New York, the film unfolds effortlessly. Robby Muller's camera captures it all with an understated simplicity that seems accidental, but surely isn't. The cast is terrific. In every way, a classic.
flyingcandy This is said to be a personal film for Peter Bogdonavitch. He based it on his life but changed things around to fit the characters, who are detectives. These detectives date beautiful models and have no problem getting them. Sounds more like a millionaire playboy filmmaker than a detective, doesn't it? This entire movie was written by Peter, and it shows how out of touch with real people he was. You're supposed to write what you know, and he did that, indeed. And leaves the audience bored and confused, and jealous, for that matter. This is a curio for people who want to see Dorothy Stratten, who was murdered right after filming. But Patti Hanson, who would, in real life, marry Keith Richards, was also a model, like Stratten, but is a lot better and has a more ample part. In fact, Stratten's part seemed forced; added. She doesn't have a lot to do with the story, which is pretty convoluted to begin with. All in all, every character in this film is somebody that very few people can relate with, unless you're millionaire from Manhattan with beautiful supermodels at your beckon call. For the rest of us, it's an irritating snore fest. That's what happens when you're out of touch. You entertain your few friends with inside jokes, and bore all the rest.