They Are Among Us

2004 "They destroyed their world. Now they want ours."
3.9| 1h39m| en

The film concerns a sleepy town that is populated mostly by aliens who have suspicious been pretending to be humans for a lengthy period of time in order to eventually strip the planet of resources they need to live.


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Tockinit not horrible nor great
PlatinumRead Just bad
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
JoeB131 Well, they got a washed up star from Babylon 5 AND a washed up star from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as the parents of the alien hybrid kid who is worshiped by a cult of aliens who are here for some reason, but honestly, it was all convoluted. And there are about three times where you think Boxleitner got killed before they actually bothered to kill him.Bruce, bud, that's your career dying... Babylon 5 was the high point.The rest of it is some minor actors actually carrying the weight while the real actors do forced cameos while waiting for their paychecks to clear. Or something.
tildapig Words fail me.And that isn't common.Done properly this could have been great, funny spoof B-movie sci-fi, but sadly, it was not to be. Rarely in the field of drama have so many competent actors struggled so vainly with such a dogs-breakfast of a script. I can only endorse the previous reviewer's comments - go clean the bathroom. In fact do ANYTHING except watch this film.Positives: Lucy Beeman's nose. Negatives: Everything else.Most apposite line: "This isn't going anywhere".If only every plastic surgeon could meet with such a fate.
pieterjandeboeck I am only writing this out of utter shock that I rented this for almost 4 pounds. Because the story is supposedly similar in nature as 'the body snatchers' you might be tempted to give this a try, however: Its barely watchable. Most annoying of all is that the script is all over the place: you'll wonder why they are running back and forth. After a while you stop caring as the characters are so badly constructed, you hardly feel for them as they pointlessly run all over the place. Ending is sudden and leaves you none the wiser as to the supposed background story. As in any B-movie, bad casting as some characters have been blatantly chosen for their looks instead of their acting ability.
TylerFX I watched this the other night and it was just okay. I wouldn't watch it again most likely. At first the acting was a little weak (like watching an amateur student film or something), but it got better as the movie went along. I really liked Michael Maples (Harlan) performance the best of the unknown teens in the movie. Liked the Old Chuck character too.During Hunter Tylo's first scene, she was in bed with a guy and I laughed out loud when I realized that it was her real life husband. Of course his scene was very short LOL.There were a couple of things that didn't make sense or weren't explained in the movie though. When Harlan confronts Tylo's character, she tries to seduce him and says she's going to eat him up (which is what she apparently did to the first guy it showed her in bed with, though it didn't show that, it just showed them in bed and then the camera panned out of the bedroom and you hear the guy scream and you hear kind of a crunching sound), but he has her number (he knows what she is in other words) and he tells her to stay away from him and he calls her an "alien wh*re". She tells him to keep his mouth shut and just look pretty. It fades to another scene with other characters. Next time it shows Harlan, it appears that he's been taken over by one of the alien parasites. Later, we find out he was pretending to be one of the aliens. It didn't make sense why the female alien character didn't kill him like she did the other guy. They didn't explain it at all. They just left you wondering. That was pretty stupid and a big whole in the story on the part of the writers.The giant alien creature in the movie was pretty goofy looking for a movie anyway. It looked like something that would appear on an episode of "Buffy" or "Angel". It wasn't as bad as something that might have appeared on a "Hercules" episode (like that stupid giant rooster or the muck monsters/creatures that Autolycus and Iolaus turned into in that same episode).The form of the aliens before they took on a human host weren't too bad looking though.There are plot holes and some bad dialogue and the ending is kind of blah, but overall, it's all right for one viewing, especially if you're bored. You're not missing much if you skip the movie, but if you tape it off of sci-fi and then watch it later and fast forward through the commercials and some of the more slower scenes, it's over quickly enough that you're not wasting too much of your time. I started it at like 2am and was finished before 330 am.